Food exporters urged to get ready for animal health regulations. Importers and exporters of animals and animal products are being urged to prepare for Brexit on 31 October, as these […]
SSA welcomes promise that ‘your fish will get through.’ Scottish Seafood Association chief executive Jimmy Buchan today welcomed assurances from the Prime Minister that fresh seafood would not be held […]
SSC targets Japan with Tartan Salmon brand. The Scottish Salmon Company (SSC) has introduced its Tartan Salmon brand at the Japan Seafood Expo 2019 in Tokyo (21-23 August). Exporting to […]
Indian EU trade to drop as four of India’s top ten exporters say they are to halt shipments to EU according to a report published in Businessline by P Manoj […]
Value of Vietnam’s squid and octopus exports rise slightly. The value of Vietnam’s squid and octopus exports in the first 5 months of 2019 reached US$243.3 million, a slight increase […]
Icelandic seafood exports increase. In 2018 the export production of Icelandic marine products amounted to 240 billion ISK and increased by 22% from the previous year, 24% at constant prices. […]
Vietnamese basa exports up. Vietnam earned 55.17 million USD from tra fish (basa) exports to the ASEAN as of the end of the March, up 18 percent year-on-year, according to […]
Asia second biggest export market for Irish seafood, overtaking the UK. Asia has surpassed the UK as the second biggest export market for Irish seafood according to a new report. […]
Industry’s dismay at Government indifference over ferry capacity. Scottish Transport Secretary Michael Matheson was today accused of putting concerns over no-deal Brexit arrangements for seafood exports above the needs of […]
Rises for Norwegian king crab and prawn exports. Norway exported 522 tonnes of king crab with a value of NOK 159 million in the first quarter of 2019. This is […]
Canadian fish and seafood exports soar, increasing to almost $7 billion in 2018 with the country selling to 139 countries last year. Fish and seafood are among the largest single […]