SFP and Hilborn Lab launch the latest version of the FIP database. Sustainable Fisheries Partnership (SFP) and the Hilborn Lab at the University of Washington have launched the latest update of […]
SFP and TNC advance electronic monitoring for seafood transparency and traceability. Workshop in Puntarenas, Costa Rica, building momentum for broader adoption. Sustainable Fisheries Partnership (SFP) and The Nature Conservancy (TNC) convened […]
Global Squid Supply Chain Roundtable joins Ocean Disclosure Project, publicly discloses squid sourcing. The Global Squid Supply Chain Roundtable (Squid SR) has published details of its participants’ squid sourcing in […]
SFP launches aquaculture Feed Solutions Toolkit for seafood companies. The Toolkit will increase transparency for feed ingredients, a critical step for seafood industry to improve feed sustainability. Sustainable Fisheries Partnership (SFP) […]
Sustainable Fisheries Partnership and Seafood and Gender Equality partner to advance gender equity in the global seafood sector. Sustainable Fisheries Partnership (SFP) and Seafood and Gender Equality (SAGE) have signed […]
Aldi invests in British seafood industry. Aldi has invested more than £45 million in the British seafood industry over the past 12 months. This increased investment is part of the […]
SFP’s 2023 Target 75 Sectors Status Update shows increase in sustainable or improving production across most sectors. A new report by Sustainable Fisheries Partnership (SFP) finds that, while there is […]
SFP and Hilborn Lab launch updated Fishery Improvement Project Database. Most comprehensive database of its kind supports better FIP management, design, and implementation. Sustainable Fisheries Partnership (SFP) and the Hilborn […]
Publix crab packaging will debut traceable fishery IDs. On Monday at Seafood Expo North America, Publix announced that the supermarket’s crab packaging will feature SFP’s universal fish ID codes. Sustainable […]
Seafood companies, governments, and NGOs support ‘Seabird-Safe Fishing Toolkit.’ Action and momentum is building across the Asia-Pacific tuna industry to reduce capture of threatened albatrosses and other seabirds in longline […]
Concerns for South American Reduction Fisheries: New SFP Report South American reduction fisheries continue to decline or are stagnant in their management performance, according to a new report by Sustainable […]
Importance of the Octopus Fishery Improvement Project (FIP). Mauritanian government and key stakeholders publicly recognise the importance of the Octopus Fishery Improvement Project (FIP) for the national fisheries strategy. On September […]
SFP Publishes New Sector Reports on Octopus, Mahi-Mahi Production and trade have increased but challenges to sustainable management remain. Two new sector reports by Sustainable Fisheries Partnership (SFP) find that, […]
SFP launches new projects to address carbon and biodiversity impacts of aquaculture. Sustainable Fisheries Partnership (SFP) has announced a new landscape-based aquaculture initiative to create the scale necessary for seafood buyers, […]
Sustainable Fisheries Partnership joins new Nature Crimes Alliance, to participate in global effort to combat illegal fishing and improve management and enforcement. Sustainable Fisheries Partnership (SFP), joined World Resources Institute (WRI), […]
Blake Lee-Harwood to Leave Sustainable Fisheries Partnership. Sustainable Fisheries Partnership (SFP) announced today the departure of Blake Lee-Harwood, chief programmes officer, recognizing his more than ten years of service and […]
The Bycatch Solutions Hub Launched At Seafood Expo Global, Sustainable Fisheries Partnership (SFP) and Purina Europe launched the “Bycatch Solutions Hub” to connect seafood retailers and businesses that want to […]
World’s Largest Tuna Company Leads Call for Restoration of Endangered Species One of the world’s leading seafood producers and one of the largest producers of shelf-stable tuna products, announced today […]
Tesco joins Sustainable Fisheries Partnership Sustainable Fisheries Partnership (SFP), the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds and Whale and Dolphin Conservation has announced the completion of an independent audit of the risks to […]
Thai Union enters partnership with Sustainable Fisheries Partnership Thai Union Group has entered a partnership with Sustainable Fisheries Partnership (SFP) to further improve transparency in the Company’s supply chains and […]