Global Tuna Alliance dismay at failure to agree plan for yellowfin tuna. At the 27th Session of the Indian Ocean Tuna Commission (IOTC), delegates once again failed to agree a […]
Spanish smart technology awarded in Europe for its contribution to the sustainability of fishing activity. The European Technology Chamber recognises Satlink’s smart selective DSF as the “Best European Technology for […]
MMO announces the results of I-VMS device testing. Fishers will continue to be supported by MMO following the outcome of the independent testing on Inshore Vessel Monitoring Systems (I-VMS) devices […]
IOTC ends with world-leading electronic monitoring standards, but continued failure on yellowfin and skipjack tuna management. The Indian Ocean Tuna Commission (IOTC), a regional fisheries management organisation responsible for the […]
100 million US$ goal to scale up sustainable fishing. An ambitious goal to mobilise US$100 million to safeguard the ocean and sustainable seafood supplies over the next decade has been […]
MSC on a mission to end overfishing The Marine Stewardship Council (MSC), an international non-profit on a mission to end overfishing by setting standards for sustainable fishing and supply chain assurance, has today […]
Scottish fishing group calls out MCS advice to avoid eating mackerel. The Scottish Pelagic Sustainability Group (SPSG) – a seafood industry organisation dedicated to ensuring stock sustainability for mackerel and […]
Coastal States fail spectacularly to meet their own deadline to agree shares on Northeast Atlantic Mackerel. TIME’S UP! In December 2022, the Northeast Atlantic Coastal States announced they had set […]
EC presents package of measures to enhance sustainability of fisheries. The European Commission is presenting a package of measures to improve the sustainability and resilience of the EU’s fisheries and […]
Europêche explores new ways of enhancing sustainable fishing. Europêche, the leading trade body representing the fishing industry in Europe, has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Innomar AS, a […]
Cameroon identified as ‘non-cooperating’ on IUU fishing. The European Commission has decided to identify Cameroon as a non-cooperating country in the fight against Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated (IUU) fishing, giving it a so-called ‘red card’. […]
Satlink launches project ReCon. The technology company Satlink has launched Project ReCon, a pioneer circular economy programme unique in its field that aims to give a second life to Devices […]
Working principles announced for UK Gear Forum. Mike Montgomery chairs forum focusing on selective gear innovations to support sustainable fishing. Agreed working principles for the UK Gear Forum have been […]
Scottish Government HPMA proposals. Statement from Scottish Fishermen’s Federation. Reacting to the Scottish Government’s proposals for Highly Protected Marine Areas (HPMAs), Elspeth Macdonald, chief executive of the Scottish Fishermen’s Federation, […]
Europêche says ICCAT another missed opportunity. Europêche represented the European fishing fleet at the 23rd ordinary meeting of the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT) which just […]
Where are the mackerel? Alarm as Bosphorus fish stocks crash. Despondent Sunday anglers watch crestfallen as a trawler winches an enormous net out of the waters of the Bosphorus, writes […]
“New MSC Fisheries Standard will drive progress in sustainable fishing” – MSC CEO. The Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) has today launched its new global standard for the sustainable certification of […]
North Sea herring fishery and Cornish sardine fisherman honoured in MSC UK Sustainable Seafood Awards. The Scottish Pelagic Sustainability Group (SPSG), part of the client group for an MSC certified […]