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Three Shops Recognised in Shortlist – A pat on the back for fish and chip businesses that deliver exceptional training and development opportunities.

Three shops recognised in National Fish & Chip Awards shortlist

Creating delicious fish and chips is about so much more than what ends up on the plate. Today the National Fish & Chip Awards focuses on the importance of supporting the individuals who work in the industry as it celebrates three fantastic businesses, which really look after their own, with the announcement of the finalists in the Staff Training and Development Award category.

Organised by Seafish, the National Fish & Chip Awards is an annual UK-wide competition celebrating true excellence in the fish and chip industry. The Staff Training and Development Award recognises businesses that have exceeded expectations by providing great staff training opportunities and apprenticeships for their employees – the people who make and serve up the nation’s favourite takeaway.

In alphabetical order, the 2020 finalists are:

  • Fylde Fish Bar, Burscough, Lancashire
  • Harbour Lights, Falmouth, Cornwall
  • Wetherby Whaler, Wakefield, West Yorkshire

Marcus Coleman, Chief Executive at Seafish, said: “Supporting new members of staff within fish and chip businesses is essential in ensuring that they continue to thrive. The shortlisted businesses in the Staff Training and Development Award have shown fantastic apprenticeship opportunities, clear staff training programmes and unique ways to help staff to achieve their career goals.

“We’re extremely heartened to see such great staff training and development at the centre of these businesses, and to see them make their mark within the industry. These businesses are a real credit to the industry and we’d like to wish them all huge congratulations on their achievements to date.”

Philip Blakeman, Managing Director at award sponsor James T. Blakeman & Co Ltd, said: “As a family business with over 60 years’ experience, staff training has always been an important part of our success.

“The owners of fish frying establishments cannot overlook the importance of quality training for young staff members. As a proud sponsor of The National Fish & Chip Awards, this category showcases the businesses that are a credit to the industry. We would like to congratulate the finalists in reaching this stage of the competition.”

As part of the judging process, businesses were appraised against a wide range of criteria including sustainable sourcing policies, staff training processes, marketing activity and the quality of product served to their customers.

The overall national winner of the Staff Training and Development Award will be announced at the National Fish & Chip Awards ceremony, held in London on 23 January 2020.

For more information about the awards visit: www.seafish.org/fish-chip-awards  or follow @fishnchipawards / #fishnchipawards on Twitter.

