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Commercial Fishing


UK agrees fishing catch limits with EU and Norway 
UK agrees fishing catch limits with EU and Norway  
  • The UK, Norway and the European Union have signed a trilateral agreement on catch limits for 2022.
  • Catch levels agreed deliver an estimated value of around £190 million to the UK fishing industry, providing certainty for the incoming year.
  • All Parties agree to set catch levels in line with, or lower than, those advised by ICES in bid to champion sustainability and help protect fish stocks for the long-term future of the fishing industry.
The UK has reached agreement with Norway and the European Union on catch limits for 2022 for six jointly managed fish stocks in the North Sea.  
The agreement signals the Parties’ continued commitment to the sustainable management of North Sea cod, haddock, plaice, whiting, herring and saithe to ensure the long-term viability of these stocks. The agreement has also established plans to review the distribution and management of shared stocks such as hake – a measure that aims to safeguard stocks which are important for the whole UK catching sector.  
Negotiating as an independent coastal State, the UK has agreed catch levels for 2022 with Norway and the EU that provide fishing opportunities estimated to be worth around £190 million to the UK fishing industry, based on historic landing prices. This will provide certainty and stability for the industry ahead of the new year.  
Fisheries Minister Victoria Prentis said: 
“I am pleased to announce we have concluded trilateral negotiations between the UK, EU and Norway. 
“We are proud to have led discussion to a positive conclusion as we seek to set a gold standard for the entire fishing industry.  
“We are confident that this agreement has struck a balance that will benefit both our fishing industry and ensure our marine environment is healthy and viable long into the future.” 
Throughout negotiations the UK, as chair, has advocated for stock management decisions based on the best science available to ensure sustainable agreements are made and stocks are protected for the interests of our industry and a healthy, viable marine environment.  

Catch levels for five of the six stocks have been set in line with, or lower than, the level advised by scientists at the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES). 
The catch levels agreed for 2022 (compared to 2021) are: 
  • Cod rollover
  • Haddock +5%
  • Herring +20%
  • Plaice -12%
  • Saithe -24%
  • Whiting +25%
The UK Government has worked closely throughout the negotiations with the Scottish Government and other administrations to reach this consensus which seeks to benefit the entire UK fishing industry. 
An assessment on the number of individual TACs set consistent with ICES advice will be published on the conclusion of the UK’s annual fisheries negotiations.  