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Commercial Fishing



Young Fishermen Network. The average age of a fisherman in the UK is 55. Sadly, overtime there has been a steady decline of new entrants into the industry. This is a global issue and a very real challenge for the UK fishing fleet. Matilda Phillips, explains more about the work being done by the the Young Fishermen Network, based in Cornwall.

The Young Fishermen Network; the first and only initiative of its kind in the UK, aims to reverse this trend by driving recruitment of new crew members, support the retention of current fishermen through social events and mentorship; and amplify the voices of the next generation of fishermen.

Aiden Mclary is one particularly passionate and articulate member of the Young Fishermen Network, Aiden is a 24 year young fisherman born and bred in St Ives fishing harbour.

“I benefit from being a member of the YFN as it allows me to meet new people from all parts of the county and beyond, together we share ideas about different fisheries, giving me an insight into how other youngsters work.”

YFN is a large network of young commercial fishermen promoting their viable lifestyles and increasing recruitment into the fishing industry. The network evolved out of the CFPO Youth Board following two main principles; recruitment and retention. Together we are tackling the barriers facing new entrants. Our events enhance skills by introducing network members to experienced skippers, and strengthen relationships between fishing ports. Skills progression is a huge aim during events, focusing on perfecting mending certain gear types, led by David Warwick; Gear innovation Manager at SeaFish and Freddie Bates; Seafood Cornwall Training Instructor.

The Young Fishermen Network has bloomed over its first year, multiplying its active instagram account by 4, reaching 2500 engaging followers. Our social media allows us to share the everyday life of fishermen, taking the public behind the scenes for a day at sea. We have now partnered with schools to educate students on the fishing industry and provide insights into where their seafood comes from. Our winter calendar is filled with school visits, offering an invaluable opportunity for young people to explore a potential future in fishing and improve public perception of the industry.

Follow our progress on Instagram and YouTube @youngfishermennetwork and for further interest email matilda.phillips@cornwallrcc.org.uk

