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Commercial Fishing



Cornish bluefin tuna project. Eloise White, a Masters Conservation student at the University of Plymouth, is conducting a survey on attitudes to the trial Atlantic bluefin tuna fishery in the UK. This project is working with Cornwall Wildlife Trust to help inform their ‘Cornwall Good Seafood Guide’.

The overarching aim of the work is to assess the sustainability of hook & line fishing for Atlantic Bluefin Tuna (ABFT), in line with the UK’s commercial trial fishery.

The project will aim to improve the stock assessment for ABFT and evaluate how effectively the stock is managed.  A questionnaire has been produced as part of the project which will help with the evaluation of Atlantic Bluefin Tuna management in the southwest.   This will involve assessing stakeholders’ opinion on the trial fishery, recreational fishery, and incidental bycatch of ABFT in the UK.

Fishermen’s participation in this study will contribute towards the completion of a masters’ dissertation project and it will also contribute to the assessment and management of the Atlantic Bluefin Tuna stock in the UK.

More Information for fishermen wishing to participate

Before completing the questionnaire, you can read the Participant Information Sheet which can be viewed here.  The Participant Information Sheet includes details about confidentiality, what will happen to the results of the research study, your rights to withdraw, and more.

If you have questions about the project, either now or in the future, please contact the lead researcher, Eloise White.   Email: Eloise.white@students.plymouth.ac.uk

The On-Line Questionnaire

Please use this link to complete the questionnaire. It should only take about ten minutes to complete.

