Sea-Fisheries Protection Authority to host webinar. Implementation of export regulatory controls for exports of fish and fishery products to Great Britain.
The Sea-Fisheries Protection Authority (SFPA) will host a webinar on the Implementation of Export Health Certification for Exports of Fish, Fishery Products and Molluscan Shellfish to Great Britain on Wednesday, 28th June 2023 at 10am.
The objective of this session is to outline changes to the UK import regime which will apply for exports of Irish Fish, Fishery Products, and Molluscan Shellfish to Great Britain from the 31st October 2023 and to highlight the key steps food businesses exporting these goods to Great Britain should take to prepare for these changes. The webinar will cover topics including Export Health Certification requirements, product risk ratings, and the use of TRACES for Export Health Certification to Great Britain.
Please note: As the UK authorities are still yet to clarify their position in relation to transit consignments availing of the Great Britain land bridge, the SFPA are currently unable to answer questions on this subject and therefore it will not be covered in this webinar.
The SFPA highly recommends any business which will be exporting to Great Britain after October 31st this year to attend this session.
To register to attend this event, please visit ,
or alternatively, contact