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Aquaculture Exhibitions & Events



Aquaculture UK Moves to 2021 – Diversified Communications, the new owner of the Aquaculture UK exhibition has cancelled the 2020 event (15 – 17 September) due to uncertainty over coronavirus, with the show now taking place on 18 and 20 May 2021.

A statement said: “Diversified Communications has therefore made the very difficult decision to issue new dates for the event, due to the magnitude of the unanticipated public health and safety issues posed by the rapidly escalating COVID-19 outbreaks and contagion.

We have spoken to many of our exhibitors and supporters over the last couple of days and, based on the situation and the feedback, the precautionary decision has been taken to move Aquaculture UK 2020 to Tuesday 18 – Thursday 20 May 2021.

The Aquaculture Awards have also been moved, to take place on 18 May 2021. We look forward to seeing everyone in Aviemore next May, for what we hope will be the best celebration our industry has seen for many years!”

Aquaculture UK is the most important aquaculture exhibition and conference held in the British Isles. The show has a tremendous following and with continued investment it promises to reach even further across the broader aquaculture market, both in the UK and into Europe.

Firmly establishing it as an important and truly international trade venue for the aquaculture industry.
Over three days Aquaculture UK offers a valuable opportunity to network, discover new products and meet decision makers.

No other UK event provides aquaculture professionals with such direct access to suppliers from all over the globe representing all aspects of the aquaculture industry.

With representatives from all the major aquaculture countries in attendance the atmosphere is dynamic and exciting with open and friendly interaction between exhibitors and visitors.

Opening hours;

Tuesday 18 May – 12pm – 5pm
Wednesday 19 May – 9am – 5pm
Thursday 20 May – 9am – 3pm

