Fish buyer director pleads guilty to charge of late submission of first sale – Sales Notes. Eamon Wilde, Director of Wilde Fish Distribution Limited, based in Rush, Co. Dublin, pleaded guilty at Dublin District Court on the 5th July 2024, to a charge of failing to submit Sales Notes within a period of 24 hours from the first sale of fishery products in respect of five landings of catch between June and August 2021. The Court heard prosecution evidence that an approximate total of 28 tonnes of fishery products, with an approximate monetary value of €150,000, was the subject of the Sales Notes in respect of the charge.
Evidence was given that the submission of Sales Notes within the requisite period is important for product traceability. A Sea-Fisheries Protection Officer of the Sea-Fisheries Protection Authority (SFPA) gave evidence that Sales Note information forms part of data supplied under the Common Fisheries Policy for the management of fish stocks, determining quotas and tracking of quota uptake. The Court was informed that a delay in submission of relevant data risked overfishing of species. The Court proceeded to find the facts proven and ordered Mr Wilde to make a payment of €2,000 to the RNLI in lieu of conviction. The Defendant also entered into an undertaking to the Court to comply with the legislative requirements governing his business.
An SFPA spokesperson commented:
“The SFPA notes the seriousness the Court attached to this non-compliance with the rules on the timeline for submission of Sales Notes. The case serves as a reminder to operators to comply with the legal requirement to submit Sales Notes within a period of 24 hours from the sale, applicable to operators with an annual turnover of at least €200,000 for first sales of fishery products, or 48 hours in all other cases. The SFPA continues to take steps to promote compliance with Sales Notes requirements. The submission of Sales Notes within the requisite period contributes to ensuring the sustainability of species and fishing by fishing communities due to the reliance on data for accurate quota management. The SFPA commends the Sea-Fisheries Protection Officers involved in the investigation for their thorough work.”