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Food and Drink trade snapshot. Food and Drink Federation publishes food and drink trade snapshot for January. Further to the ONS data released earlier this month on food and drink exports to the EU, the Food and Drink Federation (FDF) has produced a Food and Drink Trade snapshot looking at HMRC data for the month of January, which was published in the last few weeks.

Discussing the snapshot, Dominic Goudie, Head of International Trade at FDF, said:

“It is extremely worrying that our exports to the EU have fallen by more than 75% in January. Businesses face significant challenges when trading with the EU and small businesses in particular have been shut out because groupage distribution is not working. In the absence of solutions, EU exporters will face much the same difficulties when the UK’s full border operating model enters into force in 2022.

“It is clear that the terms of the Trade and Cooperation Agreement (TCA) will not change and businesses face unavoidable changes to the terms of trade. However, there are opportunities to address the implementation of the deal. The EU-UK Partnership Council and its Trade Specialised Committees should be convened as a matter of urgency to put in place solutions that deliver the TCA’s aim of enhancing the ability of small.

UK-EU Food and Drink Trade Snapshot: January 2021


The Food and Drink Federation (FDF) is the convenor, adviser and voice of the UK food & drink industry, the largest manufacturing sector in the country.

They are funded by membership subscriptions and commercial revenue.

They represent more than 800 food and drink companies, from global brands to thriving small businesses.

The FDF is a powerful unified voice for the industry and they act on they members’ behalf on the business-critical issues of the day. They communicate our industry’s values and concerns to Government, regulators, consumers and the media.

They also provide their members with a range of expertise and guidance including; food safety and science concerns, trade and regulatory policy, nutrition and health, sustainability including plastics and energy.
