Onboard Fish Processing Factory for Russian Fishery Company – On the supertrawler “Captain Vdovichenko”, which is being built for the Russian Fishery Company (RFC) at the Admiralty shipyards (St. Petersburg), the installation of a fish processing factory has begun. The work is carried out with the participation of representatives of the supplier – Carsoe AS, a leading player in the market of equipment for the food industry.
The capacity of the factory exceeds the capabilities of today’s production by more than 2 times, and allows processing up to 100% of the catch into products with high added value. The factory is designed for the annual production of about 15 thousand tons of fillets, minced meat and surimi, as well as more than 8 thousand tons of other products – Pollock roe and milt, etc. 100% of the main production waste will be processed, of which about 6 thousand tons of fishmeal and fish oil per year will be produced.
“The dimensions of the vessel, the length of which exceeds 108 meters, allows the factory to be located as efficiently as possible, ensuring its high productivity, convenience and safe working conditions for employees,” commented Dmitry Sapov, Deputy CEO for Fleet Construction of the RFC. – On an area of about 1000 square meters, six production lines for the processing of Pollock will be installed, including two lines for the production of surimi, as well as a line for processing herring. This equipment requires careful attention and scrupulous study of all system components. The participation in the process of equipment suppliers with advanced experience in this area will ensure high quality of installation.”
The factory will be equipped with automated sorting and weighing stations for head gutted Pollock and herring. The product packaging process will also be automated.
In parallel with the installation of the factory, the installation of fishing, cargo and mooring equipment, as well as a fish meal plant installation is underway.
The commissioning of the vessel is scheduled for the next year, 2021.