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Aquaculture Training and Education



Qualifications for Aquaculture Management Students

Eight students from across the UK and France will be the first to receive CPD qualifications in Aquaculture Management after completing the NAFC Marine Centre UHI’s new Aquaculture Management CPD course.

The fully online continuous professional development course, launched in 2020, is aimed at experienced aquaculture staff and other persons seeking a qualification in aquaculture management. The first students to complete the programme were based in Scotland, England and France and included staff working in salmon farming and marine hatcheries as well as private individuals.

“All of the students have worked extremely hard over the past year and all passed to an excellent standard,” said Stuart Fitzsimmons, NAFC’s section leader for aquaculture training. “While the COVID epidemic has posed significant challenges for both our students and our staff, the fact that this course was designed to be fully online meant that its delivery was largely unaffected. Online delivery has also allowed students from a wide geographical area to complete the training at times that suited them and without having to leave their homes or jobs.”

Feedback from the first group of students has been very positive, with several commenting that while challenging they had found the course both rewarding and useful in developing their knowledge and personal and professional capabilities.

The Aquaculture Management CPD has been designed to be relevant to a wide range of different types of aquaculture anywhere in the world, including marine and freshwater species, as well as hatchery and offshore facilities. The course focuses on the management of aquaculture facilities and human resources; on financial management; and on legislative requirements. Students have the option to focus on subjects that include the operation of fish and shellfish farms and hatcheries; fish health and welfare; and health and safety.

Further information on the course is available here 


