Russia and China continue to increase trade in fish products. The total volume of trade turnover of fish products between Russia and China by September 18, 2023 reached 811 thousand tons worth 1.71 billion US dollars. The growth was 81% (in physical terms) compared to last year (on the same date).
Russia exported 771 thousand tons of fish products to China, which is 86% more than in 2022. In monetary terms, Russian fish exports to China amounted to 1.49 billion US dollars.
The total volume of imports of fish products to Russia from China reached 41 thousand tons of products with a total value of 226 million US dollars, 18% more than last year in physical terms.
From January-October 2022, Russia’s total trade with China in all goods amounted to US$153.9bn, also up 33% y-o-y, with much of Europe and North America shunning Russian produce. Rosrybolovstvo said it was vital to the Russian seafood sector to be able to export surplus products to foreign markets, though supplying the domestic seafood market remains a priority.
Much of Russia’s fishing fleet serving the Asian market is based in Vladivostok, on Russia’s Far East coast from where they can access the lucrative north-eastern Arctic waters. Vladivostok is a 2,400km shipping distance north of Dalian, in China’s Liaoning Province, itself a major fishing seaport.