Scottish salmon farmers thank island and Highland communities. Scotland’s salmon sector to publish letter thanking local communities for supporting farmers through the Covid-19 pandemic. Full-page advertisements will appear across Scotland from tomorrow (Sat 20.03.21) thanking island and Highland communities for their support for salmon farmers.
The Scottish Salmon Producers Organisation (SSPO) has booked space in 10 local papers and four Scottish national titles to express the sector’s gratitude for the way in which local communities have helped salmon farmers weather the Covid pandemic.
The advertisements will be in the form of a letter from Tavish Scott, the SSPO Chief Executive, highlighting the efforts made by everyone from ferry staff to hauliers in keeping our sector moving through the last 12 months.
The advertisements will appear in Scotland’s four main national titles (The Scotsman, The Herald, The Press and Journal and The Courier) on Saturday March 20.
The same advertisement will then run in local newspapers across Scotland’s salmon farming areas, from Shetland to Argyll, over the next week.
The SSPO ads will emphasise the close bonds that exist between Scotland’s salmon farmers and our farming communities and the way everyone has pulled together to help the sector navigate the most difficult international crisis in its history.
In the advertisement, Mr Scott states:
“These last 12 months have been hard. Businesses have suffered, health and care workers have been under extraordinary pressure and families everywhere have lost loved ones.
“Yet, through it all, Scotland’s island and Highland communities have shown remarkable resilience. As you have cared for the most vulnerable amongst us, you have extended that same hand of support to our sector.”
And he adds:
“The results of this collective effort are clear: good fish health and great rates of growing fish through to harvest.
“Our farmers produced more than 800 million fresh, nutritious and healthy meals in the last year, helping Scottish salmon remain the UK shoppers’ fish of choice…
“Quite simply, we couldn’t do it without you. With your continued support, we can all look forward to better times ahead.”