Seafood Future Leaders: A cohort of 22 completes comprehensive National Seafood Industry Programme. In a landmark achievement, 22 emerging future leaders in the Grimsby seafood cluster have successfully completed a rigorous and dedicated seafood programme, marking a significant step forward in their professional development. The programme, designed to cultivate future leaders in the seafood sector, has equipped participants with a comprehensive skill set and deep insights into the challenges and opportunities within the industry.
This intensive programme, tailored for seafood industry future leaders, covered a diverse range of topics essential for navigating the complexities of the dynamic seafood industry landscape. The majority of the programme was delivered by industry experts and included visits to various types of seafood processing facilities.
Key programme components focused on the Grimsby Seafood Cluster Scale, Sustainable Seafood, Market Dynamics and Trends, Supply Chain Management, Leadership Development, Innovation and Technology plus, and Regulatory Compliance.
The programme was created and delivered in partnership with the Seafood Grimsby & Humber Alliance (SGHA) and the University of Lincoln’s, National Centre for Food Manufacturing (NCFM). The initial pilot was funded following a successful DEFRA skills award bid and The Fishmongers’ Company. Participants on the pilot were enrolled from Hilton Seafoods, New England Seafoods and Young’s Seafood. Top performers will be assessed and invited to attend the North Atlantic Seafood Forum, Bergen, in March 2024.
Prof Val Braybrooks, MBE, representing NCFM said:
“The Future Seafood Leaders is the best example of collaborative working between industry and academia that I have observed over many years in my role. The course development and delivery is shared between the business members of the SGHA, their suppliers and the University’s team, with over 30 directors and senior managers giving time to ensure that future leaders benefit from their expertise. Notably, what stands out for me is the spirit of collaboration, with learning being shared across competitor businesses for the greater good and future of the sector’’
SGHA Skills sub-group Chairperson, Danni Leggatt of Young’s Seafood remarked:
“All delegates have expressed how much they have enjoyed the experience and gained so many skills, many of which are essential to their own personal growth and development. A drive for continuous improvement is critically important to any business and this is a perfect example of how the industry invests in its people”
SGHA Executive, Simon Dwyer concluded:
“The completion of this programme marks the beginning of a new chapter for these 22 seafood future leaders. As they step into leadership roles within the industry, they bring with them a wealth of knowledge and importantly, a commitment to growing their global seafood network that will navigate the evolving landscape of the global seafood market.”
The Future Leaders in Seafood programme continues in January 2024 with a part-funded ‘Boot Camp’. For further details email;
Industry acknowledgements; Made Great In Grimsby, Pelagia UK, Premier Seafoods, Alfred Enderby, Marel, Mariner Trading, Young’s Seafood, Hilton Seafood Group and New England Seafood.