Shortlist of five potential buyers for Viciunai Group’s Russian operation. Lithuainian based seafood processor Viciunai Group has narrowed down the list of buyers for its Russian operation down to five companies.
A statement said:
“It has already been mentioned that potential buyers are interested in purchasing the entire business infrastructure. The main negotiation object is not only the operating factory but also business relations, brands, and the formed structure of employees. Considering the circumstances of the sale process and taking into account the request of the parties to the transaction, the candidates will not be named.
“Currently, the group‘s finance department is providing potential buyers with a wide range of financial information about the company. Intensive visits and audits of the factory in Kaliningrad are taking place, and large amounts of legal data are collected and submitted for multifaceted analysis.
“Business consultants do not undertake to decide how long the process will take until the final sales contract is signed. To speed up the process, Viciunai Group’s lawyers have already prepared a sales contract template, based on which negotiations will be conducted with the selected final buyer.
Viciunai Group reminds that all products offered for sale in Lithuania or Ukraine are made in factories located in the European Union. The factory for sale in Kaliningrad supplies products to Eastern markets.