UK onshore salmon project at risk over ‘factory farm’ claims. Animal rights campaigners win a judicial review over pioneering £120m scheme at Grimsby port, reports the Guardian. On former railway […]
Hilton Foods releases progressive crustacean welfare policy. Aquatic Life Institute supported the international food manufacturer in creating the global policy. Hilton Foods, a leading international multi-protein processor, has produced their first […]
Conservation groups sue U.S. agencies over failure to enforce seafood import bans under MMPA. Conservation and animal protection groups sued several federal officials and departments in the US Court of International […]
UK misses opportunity to become world leader on decapod welfare. Animal welfare organisation Crustacean Compassion has hit out at the UK seafood industry over their self-developed new voluntary codes of […]
Federal bill to ban octopus farming and commercial imports introduced. The ground-breaking bill is poised to become the first country-wide law that will ban commercial octopus aquaculture operations. A new […]
Ace Aquatec partner with Shrimp Welfare Project to turn the tide on poor shrimp slaughter standards. Aquaculture technology specialists Ace Aquatec have partnered with Shrimp Welfare Project to expand access […]
Report reveals some UK seafood companies outpacing competitors on Decapod Crustacean welfare. The Snapshot: Industry Benchmark on Decapod Crustacean Welfare shows Marks & Spencer, Waitrose and Young’s Seafood are leading […]
Compassion announces new Chair to guide new expanded board. Crustacean Compassion (CC) has announced a new Chair of the board who has taken over from one of its founding members […]
EC commits to further action to stop shark finning trade. The European Commission is responding to the European citizens’ initiative ‘Stop finning – Stop the trade’ asking the Commission for action to end […]
Bakkafrost Scotland shortlisted in two categories in Aquaculture Awards 2023 Bakkafrost Scotland has been shortlisted in two categories in the 2023 Aquaculture Awards – Animal Welfare and Fish Farmer of […]
Aquatic Animal Alliance urges Universidad Autonoma de Mexico to stop Octopus farm operations in Yucatan. High mortality rate: over 50% of octopus on Yucatan farm fail to reach slaughter size. […]
Crustacean welfare. 50% of seafood companies have formal policies on crustacean welfare. Crustacean Compassion’s industry benchmark, ‘The Snapshot’ finds that decapod crustacean welfare is advancing up the business agenda – […]
Dubrovnik Aquarium receives Friend of the Sea sustainable aquaria certification for responsible practices, awareness initiatives and animal welfare. An aquarium can play a crucial role to educate the public on […]
Ace Aquatec broaden land-based production offering following talks with Pure Salmon. Aquaculture and technology specialists, Ace Aquatec, have been providing expert consultations to Pure Salmon in the design of their […]
Seafood industry focuses on crustacean welfare. Best practice guidance for animal welfare across the shellfish supply chain is under development. The development of best practice guidance for the handling of […]
Cefas publishes statistics on experimental use of animals. In the UK research with protected (sentient) animals which has the potential to cause suffering is regulated under the Animals (Scientific Procedures) […]
Nova Sea joins Norwegian Seafood Trust. With animal welfare, sustainability, and food safety becoming increasingly important for consumers, Nova Sea is joining the Norwegian Seafood Trust, a national seafood tracking […]
Salmon production optimised by using data. One of the world’s largest fish farmers has improved and optimised their production of farmed salmon by using Danish company Blue Unit’s newly developed […]