Survey of demersal fisheries in Celtic Sea and Western Channel Marine Management Organisation (MMO) has launched an online survey to seek views on future management of demersal fisheries in Celtic […]
Crown Estate accelerates plans for floating offshore wind in the Celtic Sea with multi-million pound programme of marine surveys. The Crown Estate has announced its first major investment in surveys […]
Irish Minister discusses challenges with fishing industry. Ireland’s Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Charlie McConalogue, met with representatives of the fishing industry to discuss a number of important […]
Irish scientists collaborate with NOAA to test new HABscope. A HABscope, a microscope with an attached iPod using artificially intelligent software is currently being tested by scientists from the Marine […]
New Shark Species spotted in Irish Waters. A shark species, previously unrecorded in Irish waters, has been sighted in the Celtic Sea during a recent fisheries survey on the Marine […]