EU committed to conclusion of global agreement on plastic. The European Commission is participating in the final negotiations on the Global Plastics Treaty (INC-5) from 25 November until 1 December in […]
EC gives Trinidad and Tobago ‘red card’ over IUU fishing. The European Commission has identified the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago as a non-cooperating country in the fight against Illegal, Unreported and […]
Nature saved from the abyss, the ocean protected but… we’ll have to be patient and combative. The die has been cast. In Strasbourg, MEPs have just saved the biodiversity pillar […]
Public hearing on the future of fishing On Wednesday 24 May 2023, the Committee on Fisheries will hold a public hearing entitled “The future of fishing – How to promote […]
Ireland will receive €142 million from EU fisheries fund. Following the adoption of the Partnership Agreement 2021-2027 with Ireland, the Commission has adopted the European Maritime, Fisheries and Aquaculture Fund (EMFAF) programme for […]
Increased protection of Natura 2000 sites in the North Sea. The EC has adopted a set of fisheries conservation measures to strengthen the environmental protection of six Natura 2000 sites and two […]
Denmark will receive €201 million from EU fish fund. Following the adoption of the Partnership Agreement 2021-2027 with Denmark, the Commission has adopted the European Maritime, Fisheries and Aquaculture Fund (EMFAF) programme for the […]
Portugal will receive €392.6 million from EMFAF (European Maritime, Fisheries and Aquaculture Fund) 2021-2027. Following the adoption of the Partnership Agreement 2021-2027 with Portugal, the Commission has adopted the European Maritime, Fisheries and […]
€212 million programme for Germany. European Maritime, Fisheries and Aquaculture Fund 2021-2027: the Commission adopts €212 million programme for Germany. Following the adoption of the Partnership Agreement 2021-2027 with Germany, the […]
EC proposes action to unlock potential of seaweed. The EC has adopted the Communication ‘Towards a strong and sustainable EU algae sector’, a pioneering initiative to unlock the potential of algae […]
EC adopts €518 million fisheries programme for Italy. Following the adoption of the Partnership Agreement 2021-2027 with Italy, the Commission has adopted the European Maritime, Fisheries and Aquaculture Fund (EMFAF) Programme for Italy, […]
MEPs support development of sustainable EU aquaculture. EU needs to boost development of the sustainable aquaculture sector benefiting human health and furthering objectives of the European Green Deal. European parliament […]
Estonian project develops autonomous fish survey platform. Vessel-based surveys are important in assessing and managing fishery stocks. However, vessel surveys are usually a very time-consuming, expensive affair. Moreover, working conditions […]
EC adopts €38 million fisheries programme for Cyprus Following the adoption of the Partnership Agreement 2021-2027 with Cyprus, the Commission has adopted the European Maritime, Fisheries and Aquaculture Fund (EMFAF) Programme for […]
EC adopts €231 million programme for Sweden. Following the adoption of the Partnership Agreement 2021-2027 with Sweden, the Commission has adopted the European Maritime, Fisheries and Aquaculture Fund (EMFAF) Programme for Sweden, […]
EC adopts €140 million programme for Finland. Following the adoption of the Partnership Agreement 2021-2027 with Finland, the Commission has adopted the European Maritime, Fisheries and Aquaculture Fund (EMFAF) Programme for Finland, […]
EC launches EU Blue Economy Observatory The European Commission has launched the EU Blue Economy Observatory, a new knowledge dissemination platform for the sustainability of our oceans, seas and coastal […]
New measures to protect Baltic porpoises. From 26 February, new measures to protect Baltic Proper harbour porpoises from being caught in fishing operations come into effect. Virginijus Sinkevičius, Commissioner for Environment, Oceans […]