FIS opens its doors to the UK seafood community. Fisheries Innovation Scotland announces new name and remit. At the FIS AGM in December, the Board formally agreed that FIS should […]
How satellite technology could transform Scottish seafood. Fisheries Innovation Scotland (FIS) has announced a ground-breaking collaboration between space and sea, as it commissions tech company Space Intelligence to conduct ‘blue sky’ research […]
FIS announce new projects to help strengthen the Scottish seafood sector. Fisheries Innovation Scotland (FIS) today announced two new projects, following invitations for pioneering research issued in late 2020. FIS, […]
Support tomorrow’s seafood industry, today Fisheries Innovation Scotland (FIS) invites expressions of interest (EoI) from organisations across the world to take part in two new projects designed to help the Scottish seafood […]
Trial of fisheries bycatch reduction tool on the west of Scotland – new App now available. The latest version of an app co-designed by Scottish skippers to assist them in […]
Bringing together fishermen and experts in the seafood supply chain to champion innovation Fathom podcast, in conversation with Kara Brydson from Fisheries Innovation Scotland and Paul Macdonald from the Scottish […]
Scottish seafood leaders to innovate and act for prosperous, sustainable fisheries. Fisheries Innovation Scotland’s announcement of the Scottish Fishing Conference 2020, and its focus – ‘from innovation to action’ – […]
Scottish Fishermen Trial Mobile App. Scottish fishermen trial mobile real-time reporting app to avoid unwanted catches. A pioneering collaboration between Scottish fishermen and scientists will allow state-of-the-art technology to be […]