Great Barrier Reef fish evidence suggests shifts in major global biodiversity patterns. Life on the Great Barrier Reef is undergoing big changes in the face of climate change and other […]
New study highlights the correlation between live corals and fishing yields. What does a decline in healthy coral reefs mean for fisheries? A new study published in Marine Resource Economics, led […]
Great Barrier Reef facing catastrophic damage Leading scientists have found that sea surface temperatures on the Great Barrier Reef have reached a 400-year critical level, with human-induced climate change to […]
Genetics provide key to fight crown-of-thorns starfish. Scientists are one step closer to combatting coral-destroying crown-of-thorns starfish, following a University of Queensland study into the pest’s genetics. In a world […]
Research identifies microorganisms that may be essential to the survival of coral reefs threatened by climate change. A study led by a researcher at the University of Stirling has identified […]
Taking fish monitoring to new depths. In deep-water areas between reefs of the Great Barrier Reef, we know very little about the sustainability of popular commercial and recreational fishes, such […]
New decision tool to help restore coral reefs. Queensland University of Technology (QUT) researchers have used mathematics to guide decisions on growing coral to help restore the Great Barrier Reef. Their […]
Tree clearing threat to Great Barrier Reef […]
Health of coral reefs written in the sand – and visible via satellite. How healthy are coral reefs? And how are they responding to climate change? After more than 10 […]
Spanish mackerel stock facing crisis, says Australian conservation group. A Queensland government decision to put in place Great Barrier Reef spawning closures for Spanish mackerel fishing for just six weeks of […]
Endangered delicacy: tropical sea cucumbers in trouble. Overharvest has put the Great Barrier Reef’s tropical sea cucumber populations in peril, researchers have revealed, with strong demand for this delicacy from […]
Reef experiment set to answer big reef restoration questions Scientists have selectively shaded bleached corals on the c– gaining critical in-field data to inform future large-scale interventions that could help […]
Fish help control crown-of-thorns starfish numbers on Great Barrier Reef. Reef fish, such as emperors, tropical snappers and rockcods, help keep numbers of crown-of-thorns starfish in check on the Great […]
Managing global climate change — and local conditions — key to coral reefs’ survival. Australian researchers recently reported a sharp decline in the abundance of coral along the Great Barrier […]
Observer call on boats to halt illegal shark finning. The discovery of illegal shark finning in the Great Barrier Reef shows why independent observers need to be on boats to […]
Land proximity determines coral reef resilience. Severe weather and environmental disturbances, such as cyclones or thermal coral bleaching, affect specific areas of coral reefs differently, new research has shown. A […]
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