New president for ICES. William (Bill) Karp has been elected as ICES President during the 109th statutory meeting of ICES Council. Fritz Köster, the outgoing ICES President announced the news during the annual […]
Business calls for sea-change in pelagics management. Gisli Gislason, Programme Director for the North Atlantic at global certification body, the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC), shares his view on the difficulties […]
De-coding the coastal states. The North Atlantic Pelagic Advocacy Group (NAPA), a collective of retailers and supply chain businesses with a EUR 252 billion share of Northeast Atlantic pelagic purchasing, […]
Agreement reached on 2022 NE Atlantic mackerel quota. The EU, the Faroe Islands, Greenland, Iceland, Norway and the United Kingdom have signed an agreement on a total quota of 794,920 […]
MSC calls for action on overfishing of pelagics in NE Atlantic. The MSC was present at the recent Arctic Assembly in Reykjavik, Iceland, where they hosted a seminar on overfishing […]
Young’s highlights consequences of inaction on pelagics management. Seafood processor Young’s has added its voice to the chorus of supply chain businesses and retailers calling for collaborative, sustainable management of […]
Fiskebåt Open Letter to the NE Atlantic Mackerel Community. Let’s leave the battlefield and ensure a healthy mackerel stock – together! The European Union, United Kingdom, Faroe Islands, Greenland, Russia, […]
MarinTrust formally accepts the NE Atlantic blue whiting FIP onto the MarinTrust Improver Programme. The North Atlantic Pelagic Advocacy Group (NAPA) – a collective of nearly 50 retailers and supply […]
Fishing business at risk from unnecessary cut in cod quota. Fishermen face going out of business if politicians insist on driving down cod quotas next year at a time when […]
Urgent need for sustainable, science-driven management for herring, mackerel & whiting – Advice from ICES. The International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) has today published advice on […]
Marine Institute scientist receives ICES Outstanding Achievement Award. Professor Dave Reid of the Marine Institute received an Outstanding Achievement Award from the International Council for the Exploration of the Seas […]
Ministers urged to take a closer look at cod quota advice. Fishermen in Shetland are warning Scottish and UK government ministers to think twice about cutting cod quotas next year […]
Industry sustainability award for new app. App to help Scottish skippers reduce bycatch scoops Industry sustainability award. An innovative app being used by Scottish skippers to share real-time information with […]
Scottish scientists sample mackerel eggs in Arctic Circle. Scientists from Marine Scotland have been involved in a survey sampling mackerel eggs in the Arctic Circle. Four scientists from Marine Scotland, […]
ICES General Secretary resigns. After 10 years of service, Anne Christine Brusendorff, International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) General Secretary, has informed ICES Bureau of her decision […]
ICES total allowable catch recommendations: Statement from Scottish White Fish Producers’ Association and Shetland Fishermen’s Association. Responding to the latest advice from the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea […]
ICES total allowable catch advice for 2022: Statement from Scottish Fishermen’s Federation. Responding to the latest ICES advice on catch opportunities for 2022, SFF chief executive Elspeth Macdonald said: “We […]
Baltic sprat stock within biologically safe limits. The research expedition of the Atlantic branch of VNIRO (AtlantNIRO) to assess the stock of sprat in the Baltic Sea has come to […]
Radical Measures Called for Baltic Sea – EU Must Respond to Baltic Sea Ecosystem and Fisheries Crash With Urgent, Radical Measures Responding to last week’s publication of annual scientific advice […]
Fishermen call for review panel to assess scientific catch advice. Scotland’s two largest fishing associations are urging Scottish ministers to create a special panel to review stock assessments after wild […]