Increased protection of Natura 2000 sites in the North Sea. The EC has adopted a set of fisheries conservation measures to strengthen the environmental protection of six Natura 2000 sites and two […]
MPAS in Antarctica should include young emperor penguins, scientists say. Scientists at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) and European research institutions are calling for better protections for juvenile emperor […]
Northern Ireland consultation on fast craft and personal watercraft in MPAS. Northern Ireland’s Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs Minister Edwin Poots has asked the public to respond to […]
Call for more MPAs in Irish waters. Revitalising Our Seas is a new report by Fair Seas, identifying areas of interest for Marine Protected Area designation in Irish Waters. The […]
New species of soft coral discovered in Scottish waters. Scottish Government scientists, collaborating with a Spanish university, have uncovered a new family and species of deepwater soft coral, from seas […]
Another missed opportunity to protect Antarctica. The Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (CCAMLR) – the body responsible for Antarctic marine conservation – concluded its 40th annual […]
Call to save fisheries on south and east coast of England. It’s almost the end of the road for small-scale fishers along the South and East Coast, according to a […]
G20 commits to protecting the Antarctic. Historic shift by superpowers to allay biodiversity and climate crises. The Group of 20 (G20) environment leaders have committed to protecting Antarctica’s Southern Ocean […]
Western Indian Ocean region declares 143 marine and coastal areas protected – an area covering 553,163 square kilometres, representing 7 percent of the total Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) for the […]
MPAs – a policy tool with only winners. Every year, the European Commission organises a seminar on fisheries science. The event attracts dozens of stakeholders from different areas to discuss […]
Sharks in protected area attract illegal fishers. Thousands of sharks have been illegally caught in a Marine Protected Area (MPA) in the Indian Ocean, new research shows. The MPA was […]
World leaders commit to ambitious Antarctic protection. The Antarctic and Southern Ocean Coalition (ASOC) welcomed the announcement of a new joint strategy to achieve the designation of three new large […]
New Marine Protected Areas in Antarctica. EU takes lead in international effort to establish new Marine Protected Areas in Antarctica. Commissioner for Environment, Oceans and Fisheries Virginijus Sinkevičius hosted a […]
Protecting select ocean areas boosts total catches. A new study titled ‘Protecting the global ocean for biodiversity, food and climate’ has been published in the scientific journal Nature. The study reveals […]
MPAs do not adequately protect coral reef fish. Marine protected areas (MPAs) around Oʻahu in Hawai’i do not adequately protect populations of herbivorous reef fishes that eat algae on coral reefs. That […]
Environmentalists welcome Dogger Bank trawling ban. Environment groups have welcomed that trawling and dredging will be banned from 14,030 sq. kilometres of UK waters, an area equivalent to the size […]
Major Blow to Fishing in MPAs – In a shocking development, the Marine Management Organisation has announced that it intends to ban all forms of towed bottom gears in the […]
MMO launches consultation on MPAs. Marine Management Organisation launches consultation on four of England’s Marine Protected Areas. The next phase in the Government’s ambitious plans for a ‘Blue Belt’ of […]
Marine Protected Areas Explained by the MMO – The management of our coastal waters plays an important role in protecting and conserving our marine ecosystems. The Marine Conservation Team at […]