Pacific cod can’t rely on coastal safe havens for protection during marine heat waves. During recent periods of unusually warm water in the Gulf of Alaska, young Pacific cod in […]
Marine heat waves disrupt the ocean food web in the northeast Pacific Ocean. Marine heat waves in the northeast Pacific Ocean create ongoing and complex disruptions of the ocean food […]
Marine heat waves trigger shift in hatch dates and early growth of Pacific cod. Marine heat waves appear to trigger earlier reproduction, high mortality in early life stages and fewer […]
Vitamin discovered in rivers may offer hope for salmon suffering from thiamine deficiency disease. Oregon State University researchers have discovered vitamin B1 produced by microbes in rivers, findings that may offer […]
Warmer oceans increase risk of salmon bycatch in Pacific hake fishery. Rates of Chinook salmon bycatch in the Pacific hake fishery rise during years when ocean temperatures are warmer, a […]
Proactive responses are most effective for fighting marine disease. The best time to deal with diseases in marine species is before an outbreak occurs, a study by Oregon State University […]
Pacific whiting skin may have anti-aging properties that prevent wrinkles. The gelatine in the skin of Pacific whiting, an abundant fish on the Pacific Coast of North America, may help […]
Researchers explore ways to make hatchery steelhead more like wild fish. Hatchery-raised steelhead trout have offspring that are good at gaining size under hatchery conditions but don’t survive as well […]
Fish can pass pollutant chemicals down three generations. Fish exposed to very low levels of chemicals commonly found in waterways can pass the impacts on to future generations that were […]