Marine Institute scientists contribute to landmark global shark research publication. Marine Institute scientists have made significant contributions to a major new publication on shark conservation, underscoring Ireland’s pivotal role in […]
New study finds overfishing has halved shark and ray populations since 1970, causing widespread erosion of ecological function and exceptionally high extinction risk. A new analysis published in the journal […]
ISSF outlines priorities for Atlantic Ocean tuna fisheries. The International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT) is responsible for the conservation and management of tunas, sharks, and other highly migratory species in the Atlantic Ocean. At […]
Sharks critical to ocean ecosystems, more protection needed. Shark conservation must go beyond simply protecting shark populations—it must prioritise protecting the ecological roles of sharks, according to new research at […]
Clean Catch seeks partner for English bycatch monitoring trial As part of an expansion in scope, Clean Catch is seeking to partner up with a fishery in England to run […]
Greenpeace calls for greater protection of Sargasso Sea New figures released by Greenpeace UK reveal the extent of industrial fishing and shipping in the Sargasso Sea. The overall volume of […]
EC public consultation on shark conservation. The European Commission has published a questionnaire seeking the feedback from the public on policy options to better protect and manage sharks and related marine ecosystems. […]
EC calls for evidence on a potential ban on sales and trade of loose shark fins. The European Commission has published a call for evidence seeking views and expertise on […]
The Explorers are loving sharks… skates and rays over Valentines. The Marine Institute Explorers Education Programme team are delighted to deliver the new primary school class projects with schools: Fin-tastic […]
COP23: Good news for marine species and climate action in the Mediterranean. WWF celebrates decision by Mediterranean countries gathered at the 23rd COP of the Barcelona Convention in Portoroz (Slovenia) […]
New shark conservation report launched at Atlantic tuna meeting targets troublesome gaps. Analysis details problems and recommends remedies for aligning nations’ commitments and actions. A new Shark League gap analysis […]
Fin-tastic shark display set to make a splash at Galway Science and Technology Festival. The Marine Institute, alongside the Explorers Primary Schools Education Programme, will be showcasing marine science at […]
Conservation in shark sanctuaries. Researchers use global fisheries data to gauge conservation efforts in shark sanctuaries. Virginia Tech researchers in the College of Natural Resources and Environment are assessing the […]
Everything you need to know about Whale Shark on International Shark Day. It is the largest fish in the world; it has hundreds of small teeth that it does not […]
EC commits to further action to stop shark finning trade. The European Commission is responding to the European citizens’ initiative ‘Stop finning – Stop the trade’ asking the Commission for action to end […]
Europêche welcomes EC’s stance against shark finning. The European Commission has published its Communication in response to the citizens’ initiative entitled ‘Stop Finning — Stop the trade’. The campaign aims […]
Norway launches ‘shark hotline’ for observations. The Institute of Marine Research (IMR) in Norway is launching its own ‘shark hotline’, and would like everyone who observes a basking shark or […]
New science-based tool to support spatial planning of threatened marine life. First map of Important Shark and Ray Areas released. The Important Shark and Ray Areas (ISRA) project has released […]
Two new projects on fisheries management in English waters The University of Plymouth has been awarded almost £1.6 million to fund two projects assessing how commercially important fish species can […]
Study explores link between shark nose shape, size and sensitivity of smell. Researchers first to quantify olfactory organ morphology in fine detail. Sharks have reputations as “super smellers” that use […]