A hat trick for seafood sustainability. Three fisheries are celebrating after being recertified to the Marine Stewardship Council standard for sustainable fishing. The Scottish Fisheries Sustainability Accreditation Group (SFSAG) Northern […]
Angry fishermen to fund proper scientific studies of North Sea stocks. Scottish fishermen are to fund additional surveys of North Sea stocks as anger grows over the failure to tackle […]
Ministers urged to take a closer look at cod quota advice. Fishermen in Shetland are warning Scottish and UK government ministers to think twice about cutting cod quotas next year […]
ICES total allowable catch recommendations: Statement from Scottish White Fish Producers’ Association and Shetland Fishermen’s Association. Responding to the latest advice from the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea […]
Fishermen call for review panel to assess scientific catch advice. Scotland’s two largest fishing associations are urging Scottish ministers to create a special panel to review stock assessments after wild […]
Dangerous behaviour of gill netters – fishermen urge immediate MCA action. Scotland’s two largest fishing associations are urging the Maritime and Coastguard Agency (MCA) to investigate and charge skippers who put […]
Scots fishers call for solution to French market ban. The Scottish White Fish Producers’ Association (SWFPA) is urging for a political solution to resolve the issue of French markets not […]
Scottish Fishermen Trial Mobile App. Scottish fishermen trial mobile real-time reporting app to avoid unwanted catches. A pioneering collaboration between Scottish fishermen and scientists will allow state-of-the-art technology to be […]
Use of UK fish and shellfish celebrated as top 3 fish and chip shops in new Seasonal UK Seafood Award category are announced. The UK’s top three fish and chip […]
Fishing industry unites on new MPA mapping project. Seafish’s Kingfisher Information Service is working with the catching sector and regulators to create the first ever comprehensive map of the UK’s […]
Heart disease fund supported by Isles fishermen. Fishermen in Shetland north-east Scotland are supporting a new initiative to raise funds for the battle against heart disease. The Shetland Fishermen’s Association […]
The Next Discard Action Group Meeting – The Discard Action Group meeting is on Tuesday 2 April 2019. Please register as the meeting is filling up fast. The next Discard Action Group […]