A fix is urgently needed for implementation delays The gulf between what was promised and what was delivered in the December 2020 Trade and Cooperation Agreement left most in the […]
SW fishers suffer £2m loss from EU-UK fish talks. Despite the UK government announcing a £34 million increase in fishing opportunities based on this year’s EU-UK annual negotiations, the reality […]
EC sets out proposal for Kattegat and Skagerrak catches for 2023. The Commission published its proposal for catch limits for fish stocks in the EU waters of the Atlantic Ocean, Kattegat and Skagerrak for […]
Sustainable fishing supporting global food security. The International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) has published its most recent advice for various pelagic fish. The recommendation is a […]
Irish welcome EU/UK quota agreement for shared stocks. Ireland’s Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Charlie McConalogue T.D., has welcomed the agreement between the EU and the UK on […]
SPSG produces Fact Sheet on NE Atlantic mackerel. The Scottish Pelagic Sustainability Group (SPSG) has produced a Fact Sheet outlining the current UK position on the north-east Atlantic mackerel fishery […]
EC publishes Atlantic, Kattegat and Skagerrak catch proposals. The European Commission has published its proposal for the catches of fish stocks in the Atlantic Ocean, Kattegat and Skagerrak. Based on this proposal, […]
ClientEarth – some EU countries pushing for unsustainable catch limits. ClientEarth has published a series of documents revealing the truth behind the setting of unsustainable fishing limits in the European Union that […]
No Norway Agreement for 2021 – International TACs and Quotas. It has become clear that there will be no UK/Norway bilateral fisheries agreement for 2021, states an article on the […]
UK agrees fishing catch limits with EU and Norway. The UK has yesterday (16 March 2021) reached agreement with Norway and the European Union on catch limits in 2021 for […]
Irish set out fish quota talks position. The Irish Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Charlie McConalogue T.D., has set out the key principles that in his view should […]
New Era Opens – Annual Fisheries Agreements for 2021: Trilateral and bilateral negotiations have now opened between the UK and adjacent coastal states including EU, Norway and Faeroes. The aim […]
The 11th Hour – The NFFO reiterates what is at stake as negotiations with the EU reach the inevitable endgame. As the negotiations with the EU enter the 11th hour, […]
Catch limits especially bad for Mediterranean fleet. Last week, the Fisheries Council reached an agreement on the fishing opportunities in the Atlantic, North Sea, the Mediterranean and Black Sea for […]
Fisheries Bill Lords Amendments Virtue Signalling Vs Sustainable Fisheries Management. Of the eight objectives included in the Fisheries Bill, five of them relate to fishing sustainably. And that’s fine, states […]
North Sea Cod TAC update from the NFFO – After three rounds of talks with Norway, probably two more than necessary, during which the Commission stuck doggedly to its view […]
Key EU countries blamed for unsustainable fishing limits. Over the last five years key EU countries have actively pushed for unsustainable fishing limits in the North East Atlantic and other […]
Key EU whitefish stocks face cuts for 2020. Ahead of the 16-17 December Council meeting on Fisheries, the Commission has adopted its proposal for fishing opportunities in 2020 for 72 […]