Shoreham Port unveils newly refurbished Fishersgate Marina. Following significant investment, the inshore fishing marina has reopened this January, offering fantastic facilities for fishers with vessels up to 15m in length. The […]
Post Brexit freedoms to deliver more support for UK sustainable fishing. Fisheries Management Plans will help deliver a thriving fishing industry and healthy marine environment Final plans are the result […]
Popular ‘Fisheries and Seafood Scheme’ now fully allocated for 2023. The Fisheries and Seafood Scheme (FaSS), administered by Marine Management Organisation (MMO) on behalf of Defra, delivers investments to safeguard […]
Project assesses wider ecological benefits of UK’s first offshore mussel farm. The impact of offshore aquaculture on the general health of the ocean is to be explored in a new […]
£20.8 million UK funding boost for the Scottish fishing industry. The UK Government has announced the latest Scottish projects to receive investment from the £100 million UK Seafood Fund. A […]
Underwater camera network to monitor the habitat needs of juvenile fish. Scientists, managers and fishing organisations in the South West of England will work together to create a network of […]
UK Seafood sector jobs to be added to the Shortage Occupation List. From the summer, share fishermen, trawler skippers and experienced deckhands on large fishing vessels will benefit from lower […]
Funding a new wave of innovation in the UK seafood sector. £6.2 million is to be shared between 22 trailblazing projects in the latest funding awards from the UK Seafood […]
Boost for UK seafood training. The National Centre for Food Manufacturing (NCFM) in Lincoln has received Government funding to provide education for the seafood processing sector. The DEFRA award will […]
£355K skills boost to help UK seafood producers tackle harmful algal blooms. SAIC developing standardised training for sector-wide rollout. A new training programme is being developed to help UK finfish […]
Fishing industry nets new funding to train the next generation. Innovative training programmes to attract new recruits and improve the quality of training in the fishing, seafood and aquaculture sectors […]
UK fishing fund gears up to help industry go green. Grants of up to £40,000 on offer through £100m UK Seafood Fund to trial greener engine technology, helping to create […]
Two new projects on fisheries management in English waters The University of Plymouth has been awarded almost £1.6 million to fund two projects assessing how commercially important fish species can […]
Increased fishing opportunities worth £750 million agreed for 2023. The UK has secured a further £282 million in fishing opportunities for the UK fishing industry in 2023 after reaching a […]
Boost for UK fishing industry with new infrastructure projects. £20 million awarded to modernise and improve infrastructure across the seafood sector, with a further £30 million available. Funding will boost […]
UK Government fund must prioritise fishing fleet – MPs. The Environment Food and Rural Affairs (EFRA) Committee has called on the Government to prioritise the ‘wild catching sector’ when allocating […]
UK Seafood Fund: Seafood Innovation Fund. The UK government’s Seafood Innovation Fund (SIF) is a research and development (R&D) fund that launched in July 2019. A third call for applications […]
Applications open for the UK Seafood Fund: Infrastructure Scheme. Seafood businesses looking for funding through the UK Seafood scheme, available through the Infrastructure Scheme, are now invited to apply, according […]
100 reasons to be careful – Fisheries Science Partnerships. In a recent article on their website, the NFFO has warned that the Government’s plans for spending the £100 million promised […]