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Wellboat to be handed over ahead of schedule despite setbacks due to the Coronavirus. Havyard Leirvik handed over yet another wellboat to Frøy, and even the challenges yards have faced due to the coronavirus did not stop Havyard doing so before the agreed deadline.

 “It has gone incredibly well,” says project manager Håkon Bosdal.

The vessel is the fourth in the ‘Havtrans’ series, following Namsos, Steigen and Reisa. Kristiansund is now set to start operating for Frøy.

Håkon Bosdal says that it obviously helps that they have built similar vessels before.

“However, there are always developments and improvements to be made from one vessel to the next, and everything has to be tested and work before we can hand it over. Those who have worked on this project have shown themselves to be excellent shipbuilders, and they have really done a great job, enabling us to not only meet the deadline, but to hand over the vessel two days before the agreed date.”

Systematic work

The coronavirus pandemic has affected access to manpower and how the employees can work.

“We haven’t really had enough people, so the fact that we are handing the vessel over ahead of schedule is impressive. We have, however, focused on the right things, worked systematically and in the right order. We have also enjoyed good collaboration with Frøy throughout. We have thus been able to meet the deadline and hand over an excellent new work vessel to Frøy.”

Work now awaits on wellboat number three under the same contract with Frøy. The hull has been delivered to Havyard Leirvik and is already being fitted out. The handover of this vessel will take place in autumn, and Håkon Bosdal is project manager here too.

‘There will be a high level of activity here at the yard throughout the summer, so holidays will have to be shared and allocated so that we can maintain the desired production.’

Cooperation between Hav Group and Havyard

The ‘Havtrans’ series from Hav Design sets the standard for medium-sized wellboats in the industry. Kristiansund has a capacity of 3,250 cubic metres, in three circular tanks. The circular tanks enable the vessel to transport larger quantities of fish while ensuring calmer conditions and higher survival rates, thereby enhancing fish welfare. The hull design also means that the vessel moves smoothly, reducing both emissions and fuel expenses.

Norwegian Electric Systems has delivered the automation and electrical power systems as well as the bridge system, again the newly developed, fully integrated Raven bridge. Norwegian Greentech has delivered the ballast water treatment system, while Hav Design has designed the vessel.



