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Commercial Fishing



Busy week for Norwegian pelagic fleet. The Norwegian pelagic fleet was busy last week with vessels fishing for mackerel in the sea and 15,000 tonnes of North Sea herring caught.

Norwegian pelagic group, Norges Sildesalgslag, says:

“We got the first two catches from the Norwegian fleet last week, Ingrid Majala and Grimsholm had 135 tonnes together. The vessels were searching in the Norwegian zone from 64 degrees up to 67 degrees, where a number of foreign vessels lying within the international zone.

“The average size of the catches was from 414-428 grams and it was reported that there was plenty of food in the fish. There are now 12 vessels searching and fishing at 64 degrees in the Norwegian zone with more vessels on the way. The herring team expects increased mackerel fishing in the future.

“Four foreign vessels landed over 6,700 tonnes of mackerel in Norway last week, there are many vessels in the international zone that fish for mackerel now. The coastal fleet has also caught mackerel from Sandnessjøen in the north to Skudeneshavn in the south. A total of 8,463 tonnes of mackerel were registered in week 33.

“Seven to eight vessels have been  for blue whiting in the edge all week. 1,879 tonnes of blue whiting have been caught, in addition 982 tonnes of pollock, 171 tonnes of stream herring and 231 tonnes of horse mackerel.

“15,239 tonnes of North Sea herring were registered this week and there are still around 10 vessels active in fishing in both the Norwegian and British zones. There are around 26,000 tonnes left on the quota of 117,000 tonnes.

“Foreign vessels have also delivered North Sea herring to Norway, 6 vessels account for around 7,000 tonnes of the total this week. The catch has been taken over large areas as far south as Shetland.”



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