GAPP seeks proposals for Global Partnership Funding. Companies interested in collaborating with the Wild Alaska Pollock industry to build demand by bringing new products using the sustainable, versatile fish or to raise awareness of its inherent attributes, are still encouraged to submit proposals for matching funds under the Partnership Programme by the July 25th deadline, the Association of Genuine Alaska Pollock Producers (GAPP) announced today. Now it its fifth year, GAPP’s Partnership Programme has helped the Wild Alaska Pollock industry explore new consumer-centric opportunities for the fish while driving awareness and demand for products made from Wild Alaska Pollock.
“We know from the original research we have conducted, that consumers respond positively when they learn about all the fantastic attributes of Wild Alaska Pollock,” said Bob Desautel, GAPP Chair and Chief Executive Officer of Global Seas. “We are seeking the risk-takers, the game-changers, the dreamers, to apply for funding and think big about how to bring new Wild Alaska Pollock products to market and continue to turn consumers into Wild Alaska Pollock fans.”
To-date, the GAPP programme has funded more than eighty different products or promotions that have been critical in significantly raising awareness of Wild Alaska Pollock among consumers in the U.S. and around the world.
GAPP welcomes proposals from any organisation, in any country, operating in any market, with a desire to build awareness and demand for Wild Alaska Pollock. The goal is to communicate the species’ storied attributes, with particular focus on bringing this fish into new channels, new formats, or associating it with new influencers and/or recipes. All products made from Wild Alaska Pollock are eligible, including fillets, surimi, roe, fishmeal and oil. Past programmes have included the launch of retail innovations, new restaurant partnerships, social/influencer campaigns, and creative packaging ideas.
“GAPP wants to build off the success we have had with the significant partnerships we’ve had to date and increase the number of programmes in new markets around the world,” said Craig Morris, GAPP Chief Executive Officer. “We have had very promising conversations with customers in Japan, Brazil, Spain, Germany, France and are excited to see the final proposals that are submitted to reach those new consumers in key global markets.”
GAPP is encouraging all companies interested in participating in the Partnership Programme to visit the GAPP website to learn more. GAPP previously hosted two informational webinars to answer questions from potential applicants, the recordings from those can be accessed here.
All proposals are due to GAPP by Tuesday, July 25th, 2023 and will then be reviewed by the GAPP Partnership Programme Committee and the Board of Directors. Final funding announcements will be made by mid-September. For more information, to view past Partnership Programme funding recipients, please visit or contact Ron Rogness at