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Commercial Fishing



Scottish Seafood Association voices support for Scottish Fishermen’s Federation concerns on the future of fishing and processing communities. The Scottish Seafood Association (SSA) has voiced support for the Scottish Fishermen’s Federation (SFF) and their recent statement regarding the urgent need to safeguard the future of fishing and processing communities. These fishing and supply chain sectors are vital to the economic and cultural fabric of coastal regions, and they rely on government policies that ensure they have the necessary access to harvest and process fish.

Food security is paramount for the nation, and to achieve this a fair and balanced strategy is required; one that prioritises sustainable practices and the well-being of coastal communities. These communities depend on seafood being landed and processed locally, where skills are developed and passed on, thereby invigorating both the circular and wider economy.

Access to fishing opportunities is the first step in the supply chain, and the SSA wholeheartedly support the fishermen. However, it is equally essential that fish harvested can be processed here in Scotland and distributed across UK and to wider global markets. This is crucial for the prosperity of coastal communities; therefore, the SSA call upon sitting governments to protect the heritage and future of these communities by ensuring that policies are put in place to safeguard the future of vital industries for future generations.

The SSA have serious concerns that the government will overburden business with taxes resulting in stagnation of any growth. The future of food security is dependent on reinvestment in new innovative robotics and automation that will safe-guard jobs and upskill people who work in the processing sector. The processing sector has demonstrated its critical importance, particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic, by providing healthy food for the nation and playing a crucial role in the supply chain. It is essential it is a profitable sector capable of investing in its people and communities, contributing significantly to the economic prosperity of the nation. The SSA will continue to champion the interests of fishing and processing communities to ensure a sustainable future for seafood across Scotland and beyond.

SSA CEO Jimmy Buchan added:

“As we navigate the challenges facing the seafood sector, it is crucial our efforts to preserve jobs and long term sustainability of businesses remain a high priority. The livelihoods of countless families depend on the future direction of our industry. Together, we can ensure that our rich maritime heritage can thrive for both onshore and offshore. It is the hard work and endeavours of those in the supply chain that put food on our tables every day.”

The SSA call on the government to commit to a sustainable future for our seafood sector and to recognise the essential role it plays in our economy and society.
