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Seafood to the fore at Future of Food Forum. Future of Food Forum will be held on the University of Florida (UF) campus, Gainesville Florida, on January 15, 2020.

The Institute for Sustainable Food Systems within the UF Institute for Food and Agricultural Sciences is hosting this Forum to bring together leaders, innovators and experts spanning the global food system to explore what the future of food will look like in 2050, how we will get there and the role of the private sector, universities and governing institutions.

The keynote speaker, Dr. Louise Fresco, President of Wageningen University in the Netherlands, will focus on responsible agriculture and food consumption as crucial to world stability.

At the forum you will hear some of the world’s changemakers give their perspective on the future of food systems and what we should be doing now to embrace the innovations and challenges of the future of food. There will be four high impact sessions:

The Innovators – Hear from inventors and entrepreneurs who are shaping the future of food.

Food from the Land – Panelists will discuss new technologies: what will be useful, who will use them, where will they be most useful, and what the impacts will be.

Food from the Sea – Analysts will present the state of current seafood systems; predictions for future trends in aquaculture and fisheries.

Food and Human Well-Being – One Health perspectives on health and food including antimicrobial resistance, foodborne disease, and nutrition.

This will be an insightful event for anyone who cares about the future of food – from producers to consumers; from researchers to innovators; and from business leaders to policymakers.

More details and registration information are available on the Future of Food Forum website, https://conference.ifas.ufl.edu/foodforum/

Please note: Aquaculture and fisheries presentations are a prominent part of the agenda including The Innovators:

Johan AndreassenCEO, Atlantic Sapphire, Miami, FL

Matthew JohnstonHead, Global Vegetable Seeds and Flowers, Syngenta, Downers Grove, IL

Sylvia WulfPresident/CEO, AquaBounty, Maynard, MA

Dickson DespommierProf Emeritus, Environmental Health Sci, Columbia University & Author of The Vertical Farm: Feeding the World in the 21st

Gary WishnatzkiCo-Founder, Harvest CROO Robotics/Owner, Wish Farms, Plant City, FL

Andy JarvisDirector of the Decision and Policy Analysis, International Centre for Tropical Agriculture, (CIAT), Cali, Colombia

