SFPA Publishes New Fisheries Information Notice on Areas Closed
The Sea-Fisheries Protection Authority (SFPA) recently published a new Fisheries Information Notice (FIN) which provides information to commercial fishing vessels on areas that are closed to fishing in the South west of Ireland. The FIN can be accessed on sfpa.ie or by following this link: FFSU-FC-FIN-OC-03-24 Fisheries Information Notice_South West Closed Area. *
The FIN highlights information on permanently closed areas to fishing; certain gear types which are prohibited in areas as well as closed areas during certain times of the year.
It is crucial for all vessel operators to familiarise themselves with this FIN. For further details on the FIN, please contact sfpafood&fisheriessupport@sfpa.ie. We are committed to providing assistance and guidance to support compliance with new and existing legislation.