SSPO Chief Executive visits Organic Sea Harvest. The Chief Executive of the Scottish Salmon Producers Organisation (SSPO) visited the Organic Sea Harvest sites on Wednesday 23 June.
Tavish Scott, along with local councillor, John Gordon, visited the Culnacnoc and Invertote fish farms to meet the staff members, visit the feed barge at Culnacnoc and observe the salmon harvest at Invertote in action.
The new feed barge from Gael Force Engineering acts as a space for the crew to relax during their breaks, as well as feeding the fish and providing all the other necessary support systems for the organic salmon. Both Organic Sea Harvest feed barges are of a very high specification and have been designed for the high-energy, panoramic locations on the north-east coast of the Isle of Skye.
“Another important aspect is that it’s organic. The growth in demand for organic salmon, both in the domestic UK market and internationally, is significant. Organic Sea Harvest have a great vision of what they want to do and that’s a very important part of the overall salmon story we’re so proud of telling.”
“It was fascinating to see how the whole operation works and how OSH are leading the way in their work practices as they produce organic salmon.
“What really struck me about the company was the amount of young local people it employs. These jobs are all year round and have many wider economic benefits for community.”
“It gave the OSH staff the perfect opportunity to showcase their achievements at many different levels to Tavish and John and for them to view at close quarters the organic salmon that were being harvested during their visit. This was a proud moment for all our staff who have worked with real dedication and commitment since the farms were stocked.
“Tavish has always been an advocate of the aquaculture industry and we were pleased to welcome him to Organic Sea Harvest and introduce him to our staff. He’s very well-versed in the industry and it’s great to have his support as we move forward with our aim of becoming the world’s leading producer of organic salmon.”