Balmaqueen fish farm off coast of Skye given green light. Fish farm at Balmaqueen approved after initial rejection due to visual impact concerns. Councillors have granted approval for a new […]
Organic Sea Harvest “disappointed” as expansion plans refused. Organic Sea Harvest have expressed their “disappointment” following the decision by the Highland Council North Planning Application Committee not to approve plans […]
Organic Sea Harvest to sponsor Staffin Triathlon & 10k for second year. The award-winning organic farmed salmon producer Organic Sea Harvest will be the lead sponsor of the Staffin Triathlon […]
New semi-hybrid Inverlussa vessel to join Organic Sea Harvest fleet. A brand new semi-hybrid fish farm service vessel is set to join the fleet of organic salmon producer Organic Sea […]
Organic salmon hatchery unveiled by Scottish Rural Affairs Secretary. A major overhaul of a salmon hatchery which meets the world’s highest organic standards has been unveiled by Scottish Rural Affairs […]
Group of Scottish fish and shellfish producers heading for North America, with the aim of increasing global trade for Scotland’s seafood industry. The Crab Company, Loch Duart, Organic Sea Harvest, […]
Salmon sector installs dozens of life-saving defibrillators in communities around Scotland. Scotland’s farm-raised salmon sector is helping save lives by installing defibrillators in local communities where companies operate. Several companies […]
A step towards Net Zero for Skye salmon farmer. As world leaders gather at COP26 to debate how to tackle climate change, Scotland’s newest organic salmon farming start-up is launching […]
Royal visit for Organic Sea Harvest Prince Charles and the Duchess of Cornwall met with Organic Sea Harvest’s co-founders last week. The royal couple, whose formal titles in Scotland are […]
SSPO Chief Executive visits Organic Sea Harvest. The Chief Executive of the Scottish Salmon Producers Organisation (SSPO) visited the Organic Sea Harvest sites on Wednesday 23 June. Tavish Scott, along […]
Skye salmon delivered to Buckingham Palace. Scotland’s newest salmon start-up shared their very first harvest with Buckingham Palace on Friday 4 June. Skye-based Organic Sea Harvest (OSH) had their first-ever […]
Skye organic fish farmer launches community fund with Cargill. Organic Sea Harvest (OSH) has partnered with aqua feed supplier, Cargill, to jointly launch the ‘Bho Mhuir gu Tir’/From Sea to […]
Hercules Hydraulics System for new landing utility vessel. A comprehensive hydraulic system has been designed and installed by Hercules Hydraulics on a new 19 metre Aquaculture support vessel recently delivered […]
Skye salmon farm appeals planning decision. Organic Sea Harvest (OSH) has appealed against a refusal of planning permission for a fish farm in Skye. The salmon start-up company was denied […]
Fish farm refusals create ripple effect. Highland Council’s decision to refuse planning permission for two Organic Sea Harvest (OSH) fish farm sites in Skye has had a far-reaching ripple effect […]
Damen Shipyards delivers aquaculture support vessel. Damen Shipyards has delivered the first of its new aquaculture support vessels. The Landing Utility Vessel (LUV) 1908 is a larger version of the LUV 1608, […]