World’s first plastic neutral fishery is taking the world stage! International Pole and Line Foundation (IPNLF), together with renowned videographer Pepe Brix, proudly debuted the film ‘A TRULY PLASTIC NEUTRAL […]
New report analyses sources of ocean plastic pollution. A new report has been launched by CleanHub to highlight the devastating amount of ocean plastic pollution in 2024, as well as looking into the complex […]
ReSea Project calls on fishing industry to help tackle issue of plastic pollution. ReSea Project is calling on companies and organisations in the fishing industry to upscale their environmental credentials by signing up to […]
Turning the tide on ocean plastic pollution in the Maldives. New plastic neutrality project presents Maldivian fishers as a remarkable solution to ocean pollution. The net retrieval and turtle release […]
Welsh Government supports expansion of Net Regeneration Scheme® to offer free recycling of fishing gear to the Welsh fishing community. Globally only 9% of plastic waste is recycled; 12% is […]
LIDL GB hooks retail industry award. Sharpak fish packaging for LIDL GB hooks ‘Most Sustainable Retailer Initiative Of The Year’, 2020. Packaging company Sharpak, a subsidiary of Groupe Guillin is […]
Galway Explorers team in World Cleanup Day, joining EMSEA-ATLANTIC. The Marine Institute Explorers Education team have joined marine scientists, teachers and educators that are members of European and US EMSEA […]
Ocean Fish forms new partnership with MULTIVAC UK to launch Ocean prevented plastic for all retail packed products. Family-owned fishing, retail supplier and processing import-export business, Ocean Fish has recently […]
Annual flow of plastic into oceans could triple by 2040. A new analysis by The Pew Charitable Trusts and SYSTEMIQ finds that without immediate and sustained action, the annual flow […]
Campaign Connects us to the Ocean Through Art Activities – The Marine Institute’s Meet the Explorers Team primary school campaign connects us to the ocean through art activities The Meet the Explorers […]
Plastics at bottom of deep submarine canyon. University College Cork scientists have discovered plastic at the bottom of a deep submarine canyon at 2,125m water depth while investigating cold-water coral […]
Unrecyclable plastics disappearing from UK supermarket shelves. One year since UK businesses across the plastics supply chain made a unique pact to tackle plastics pollution, WRAP has published a report of […]