Put your money where your mouth is – Global seafood coalition calls on Northeast Atlantic Coastal States to take their sustainability commitments seriously. Coastal State governments with clear, public pledges […]
Using new technologies to identify the age of fish. Rapid and reliable age estimation is crucial for effectively and efficiently managing fish stocks. Scientists successfully used a novel technology, Fourier transform […]
Support for the Atlantic Ocean: IPNLF Position Statement ICCAT Panel 1. As tuna species are highly migratory, management of tuna populations span wide geographical areas that are organised into Regional […]
Overfishing linked to rapid evolution of cod. Rutgers-led genetic analysis of Atlantic cod also shows fish, if properly managed, may rebound and provide sustainable food source. The overfishing of codfish […]
Global Tuna Alliance dismay at failure to agree plan for yellowfin tuna. At the 27th Session of the Indian Ocean Tuna Commission (IOTC), delegates once again failed to agree a […]
IOTC ends with world-leading electronic monitoring standards, but continued failure on yellowfin and skipjack tuna management. The Indian Ocean Tuna Commission (IOTC), a regional fisheries management organisation responsible for the […]
MSC on a mission to end overfishing The Marine Stewardship Council (MSC), an international non-profit on a mission to end overfishing by setting standards for sustainable fishing and supply chain assurance, has today […]
EC trumps its environmental and humanitarian mandate and acts as an industrial lobbyist in Africa. While industrial tuna lobbies are under judicial investigation in France for unlawful taking of interests, […]
Coastal States fail spectacularly to meet their own deadline to agree shares on Northeast Atlantic Mackerel. TIME’S UP! In December 2022, the Northeast Atlantic Coastal States announced they had set […]
How can weak EU marine action plans jump chasm from rhetoric to real change? Responding to the European Commission’s publication today of a package of EU Action Plans aimed at addressing the […]
Eminent UK salmon retailers step forward to highlight consequences of inaction on North East Atlantic blue whiting management. Since 2015, the North East Atlantic Coastal States have failed to reach […]
Statement on the conclusion of the Sixth Special Session of the IOTC. The Sixth Special Session of the Indian Ocean Tuna Commission (IOTC) concluded on Sunday, with two resolutions on […]
Over 100 Organisations call on the EU to rebuild tuna stocks and protect our oceans. An urgent call by more than 100 environmental organisations, fishing groups and retailers was made […]
Overfishing falls in the Mediterranean and Black Sea, but fisheries resources remain under significant stress. New UN report highlights the need for stronger management measures. Overfishing in the Mediterranean and […]
Where are the mackerel? Alarm as Bosphorus fish stocks crash. Despondent Sunday anglers watch crestfallen as a trawler winches an enormous net out of the waters of the Bosphorus, writes […]
NAPA and the MSC unite. “This overfishing can’t go on” – NAPA and the MSC unite in calling for tangible action on sustainable management of pelagic stocks at the 2022 […]
Some good news for overfished stocks in the Baltic Sea but could be too little too late. Baltic Sea EU member states choose to set some quotas at precautionary levels […]
Research shows shark bycatch can be reduced by modifying fishing gear. Conservation and management of shark populations is increasingly important on a global scale because many species are vulnerable to […]
Pacific bluefin tuna stock increasing. Following international action to end overfishing of Pacific bluefin tuna, a new stock assessment shows that the species is now increasing and includes many younger fish that […]
New report finds UK salmon stocks reaching crisis. Wild Atlantic salmon stocks are reaching crisis point, according to the Environment Agency (EA), as the latest stock assessment report estimates they […]