The marine environment conservation organisation, BLOOM, has published its take on the recent WTO agreement and welcomed the fisheries subsidies part of the deal. A Bloom statement said: After a […]
Oceana Canada calls for rethink on capelin fishery. Oceana Canada says the recent decision by Canadian Fisheries Minister Joyce Murray to continue overfishing capelin, a critically depleted forage fish in […]
Fisheries management failures in the Northeast Atlantic propel major brands to turn to Chilean jack mackerel as a sustainable alternative to overfished Northeast Atlantic mackerel. RE: Open letter from NAPA to […]
ClientEarth lawyers have begun legal action over the unsustainable fishing limits that were agreed between the EU and the UK for 2022. During their second round of post-Brexit negotiations, the […]
Spillage of 100 000 blue whiting a ‘drop in the ocean’ in comparison to routine overfishing by Coastal States, says global supply chain collective. The North Atlantic Pelagic Advocacy Group […]
EU fisheries ministers to proudly keep on overfishing in 2022 according to a joint statement from Our Fish and Seas At Risk. European Fisheries Ministers, gathered in Brussels to set […]
Endangered mako sharks get a break. International fishery managers agree to historic yet potentially short-term North Atlantic ban. Conservationists are heralding a hard-fought ban on retention of North Atlantic shortfin […]
Canada is failing fisheries says Oceana. Oceana Canada has released its fifth annual Fishery Audit, showing that despite significant government commitments and investments, the health of Canada’s wild fish has not […]
EU violates UN Fish Stock Agreement: Legal opinion. A few days before the start of the annual meeting of the regional fishery management organisation ICCAT (International Commission for the Conservation […]
Ocean climate action needs to be counted now. During an event jointly organised by Our Fish and Open Seas, Save the Ocean to Save the Climate – Blue Carbon Breakfast Briefing, leading marine […]
Fish and the ocean play a crucial role in regulating our climate and should not be consigned to COP26 sidelines. The following article is by scientists, Emma Cavan, Erica M. […]
Small-scale tuna sector push for ‘polluter pays’ principle in Atlantic. Concerns have been building since bigeye tuna was formally declared overfished by scientists of the International Commission for the Conservation […]
Fiskebåt Open Letter to the NE Atlantic Mackerel Community. Let’s leave the battlefield and ensure a healthy mackerel stock – together! The European Union, United Kingdom, Faroe Islands, Greenland, Russia, […]
ClientEarth – some EU countries pushing for unsustainable catch limits. ClientEarth has published a series of documents revealing the truth behind the setting of unsustainable fishing limits in the European Union that […]
Call for end to EU fishing fleet tax exemptions. A new report revealed that the EU fishing fleet receives up to €1.5bn from tax breaks each year, despite emitting the same amount […]
EU fuel tax subsidies driving climate impacts & overfishing. The EU fishing fleet receives a tax break of between €759 million and €1.5 billion from fuel tax subsidies each year, […]
Tuna species recovering despite growing pressures on marine life. Four commercially-fished tuna species are on the path to recovery thanks to the enforcement of regional fishing quotas over the last […]
Save the ocean to save the climate, swimmers tell leaders in Marseille. Dozens of people dived into the Mediterranean Sea today during the IUCN World Conservation Congress to celebrate the […]
EU fishing industry calls for immediate EU action against Norway and Faroe Islands to stop their overfishing of the Northeast Atlantic mackerel stock. The EU fishing industry is calling for […]
eNGOs warn that action must be taken following climate change report Environmental bodies have warned that action must be taken now in the wake of the Sixth Assessment Report from […]