EC extends CFP ‘access to waters’ regime. The EC has adopted the proposal to extend the ‘’access to waters’’ regime under the current common fisheries policy (CFP) for another ten years, […]
UK helps Sri Lanka in marine pollution expertise. Following the X-Press Pearl container vessel fire that started in May and raged for 12 days, the UK Government is providing marine […]
Brexit has stirred-up already complex fisheries management – EU fishing leader. Last week, Pelagic Freezer-trawler Association (PFA) president Gerard van Balsfoort was the keynote speaker on a webinar of The […]
Irish seafood task force sets out recommendations. Ireland’s Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine Charlie McConalogue has now received the interim report of the Seafood Sector Task Force. The […]
Solid Start to the Year Biomar Q1 BioMar continues the strong growth in the salmon markets with an important increase in volumes sold compared to Q1 2020 in most markets. […]
Failed UK-Norway fishing deal – statement from Shetland Fishermen’s Association. Fishermen in Shetland today welcomed the Scottish and UK negotiating team’s refusal to renew past access and quota transfer agreements […]
Scottish Fishermen’s Federation statement on UK-Norway deal. Elspeth Macdonald, chief executive of the SFF, said: “The failure to reach an agreement on fisheries between the UK and Norway for 2021 […]
EU organisation recommends lifting of UK live mollusc import ban. The EU organisation, the Market Advisory Council, has recommended that the European Commission drops its ban on the import of […]
UK waters are home again to the bluefin tuna. Marine scientists in the UK and Ireland have analysed multiple datasets, spanning a 16-year period, to document the increase in bluefin, […]
Food and Drink trade snapshot. Food and Drink Federation publishes food and drink trade snapshot for January. Further to the ONS data released earlier this month on food and drink […]
Fishing quota boost distributed across the Union. The UK Government has yesterday (24 March) set out how additional fishing quota, secured through the negotiations in December last year, will be […]
Scottish salmon farmers call for overhaul of export paperwork. The Scottish Salmon Producers Organisation says there is an urgent need for post-Brexit export paperwork to be simplified to avoid damaging […]
Outcome of trilateral fish negotiations was a missed opportunity. The conclusion of the first post-Brexit trilateral negotiations over shared fish stocks in the North Sea between the EU, Norway and […]
SFA attacks flawed basis of EU-Norway-UK fisheries deal. Reacting to the delayed outcome of the EU-Norway-UK fisheries deal that sets total allowable catches (TACs) for 2021 for six jointly managed […]
UK agrees fishing catch limits with EU and Norway. The UK has yesterday (16 March 2021) reached agreement with Norway and the European Union on catch limits in 2021 for […]
Affect of Pandemic and Brexit on UK mollusc producers. While the European Mollusc Market struggles with the pandemic, Brexit emerges as another serious threat to the UK’s producers. IndexBox has […]
Post-Brexit export problems cost Scotland’s salmon farmers £11 million. Bureaucracy, paperwork, delays and confusion leaves Scottish producers counting the cost. Scotland’s salmon farmers have incurred losses of at least £11 […]
SSPO calls for Government help on seafood exports. Scotland’s salmon farmers tell UK Government that more must be done to help seafood exports into Europe. The Scottish Salmon Producers Organisation […]
NFFO’s response to Struan Stevenson’s criticisms of the fishing industry. In his article Britain’s Fishermen are stranded on the Brexit Rocks but who’s fault is it? (The Herald 22nd January) Struan Stevenson […]
Towards a strong and sustainable EU algae sector – conclusions from the public consultation. The European Commission is preparing a comprehensive cross-sectoral EU algae initiative. The aim of the initiative […]