AquaNor to host seminar on patent rights. At AquaNor on Tuesday, August 20, the Norwegian Industrial Property Office and the law firm GjessingReimers are organizing a seminar on an exciting and important part of the aquaculture industry – patent rights.
The last two years have been record years for patent applications in the aquaculture industry, and never before have so many patent applications been aquaculture related.
At the seminar, the law firm GjessingReimers and the Norwegian Industrial Property Office will offer good and practical tips on how the Norwegian aquaculture industry can continue to grow with smart use of intellectual property rights.
Case officer in the Norwegian Industrial Property Office, Randi Gaarder, says that patents secure rights and are just as important in the fish farming industry as in other industries.
“When you apply for and are granted a patent, the invention becomes more valuable and often generates higher returns,” she says. “At the same time, the patent is driving innovation on and once you have the exclusive right to the invention you can enter into cooperation and license it.
“With a patent right you also stand stronger in relation to the investors.”
Too little knowledge of the patent landscape and lack of patent rights can in some cases become a threat to the companies.
“The main threat of not patenting is that the result of all the resources that have been deposited can then be stolen by others. When you have the rights – people must come to you to get permission to use your solution.”
Gaarder says that a significant proportion of all research funds are used to develop products that already exist.
Companies have to know the patent landscape and what rights exist out there. If you forget to check the rights in advance, you can quickly step on someone’s toes. If one does not investigate whether there are rights related to the invention, much work can be wasted.
Proper and thorough research thus gives the patent applicants great advantages, which in turn can give a competitive edge.
“If you have an idea and seek a patent, you secure both the investment and the opportunity to build a patent portfolio. It often creates value when the technology is used in collaboration with others.
Gaarder says that although there is often a matter of judgment whether the patent application is approved or not, a typical pitfall is that the technology is made known prior to filing the patent application.
“For example, a risk factor is that articles in local newspapers may be published before the filing date on the patent application. It is important not to disclose the invention before submitting a patent application. It can ruin the innovation requirement. Therefore, keep the cards close to your chest.”
She emphasizes that the AquaNor seminar is not only for companies – also private individuals can get good tips that they can use in connection with patent applications for proprietary solutions.
Gaarder herself is a marine biologist and says that some patent trends are evident in the aquaculture industry.
“At present there are many different patent applications that are aimed at combating salmon lice – both different types of bath treatments, feeds and mechanical solutions. We also see a trend with patents related to offshore cages and that one explores possibilities for other types of cages than what has been common along the coast, she elaborates
As part of the seminar, topics such as design and trademark registration will also be highlighted by case officers in the Norwegian Patent Office.
More information on the seminar at: