Death of Dr Ian Napier, statement from Shetland Fishermen’s Association. Everyone associated with Shetland’s fishing fleet will feel the tragic loss of Dr Ian Napier, who died last week at the age of 58. Dr Napier – the Senior Fisheries Policy Adviser for UHI Shetland – was a stalwart supporter of the local fishing industry, and so often leant Shetland’s fishermen the benefit of his intellect, expertise and experience over many decades.
James Anderson, chair of Shetland Fishermen’s Association, said that Dr Napier would be remembered as a much-valued voice of wisdom and reason.
“Ian was passionate in his support of fishing, and literally wrote the book on Shetland’s fishing history. He possessed one of the greatest analytical minds of our time, and his work on fisheries policy was well known and respected far beyond Shetland’s shores. He was exceptionally gifted at presenting complex science with extraordinary clarity. We are so fortunate to have had a man of his calibre so committed to the isles, and Shetland’s fishing community will feel the measure of his loss for a long time to come.”
The thoughts of everyone involved with Shetland Fishermen’s Association, Shetland Fish Producers’ Organisation and the Shetland Shellfish Management Organisation are with Dr Napier’s family, and his colleagues at UHI Shetland.
Pictured: Dr Ian Napier with his book on the history of the Shetland Fishermen’s Association upon its publication in 2022.