EU funding in the fisheries, aquaculture and processing sectors; how was it used? The latest implementation report of the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF) is now available. It highlights the most important achievements supported by the EMFF across the EU. The report is based on data provided by the Member States, reflecting the state of implementation at the end of 2020.
The report shows that by the end of 2020, €4.1 billion of EMFF funding was committed, corresponding to 71.6% of the total EMFF funding available to the Member States (under shared management). Payments to beneficiaries reached €2.4 billion (41.5% of total EMFF funding) since the fund was established in 2014.
Most of the EMFF funding was directed towards the Common Fisheries Policy objectives of ensuring economically viable and competitive fishing and processing industries (€1.2 billion). Development of sustainable aquaculture activities (€730 million), and achieving and maintaining the maximum sustainable yield (€697 million), were also key funding targets. During 2020, COVID-19 related support of €108.7 million was provided to the fisheries and aquaculture sector through the EMFF.
In terms of activities, data collection on fisheries and aquaculture activities, which helps improve stock assessments and understanding of the state of these sectors, including socio-economic conditions, received the largest amount of support (€482 million). Productive investments in aquaculture (€440 million) and control and enforcement (€439 million) and were also important activities.
The EMFF is one of the five European Structural and Investment (ESI) funds. The EMFF implementation report 2020 provides valuable input for evaluating policy implementation and tailoring future policy decisions.