Good early year herring catches in Norway
Almost 1,000 tonnes of Norwegian spring spawning (NVG) herring have been caught in the Kvænangen and Reisafjorden areas of Norway by five vessels in the first three days of 2023.
“There are reports of good herring up there and we have had casts of 250 tonnes from the biggest that have been fishing. We already have two pilot boats in operation,” says sales manager Kenneth Garvik in the Sildelaget.
According to Garvik, more vessels are expected in the fishery up there, and that some of the larger seine boats are also heading north to fish for NVG herring.
“We have had a couple of vessels that are out in the North Sea looking for North Sea herring, but there are reports of little to be seen so far, says Garvik and adds that foreign vessels are already fishing for mackerel west of Shetland and that several of those catches can ending up with Norwegian buyers in the future.”
In addition, almost 120 tonnes of horse mackerel have been taken, as well as some mackerel from the Westland coast from Bergen to Haugesund and some coastal sprat in the Oslofjord.
“We had a small quiet period from Christmas to New Year, but now it looks as if the fleet is coming to life along the entire coast,” concludes Garvik