The 12th International Lobster Biology and Management Conference and Workshop is coming to Fremantle, 18-23 October 2020
Western Rock Lobster and the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development are pleased to be hosting the 12th International Conference and Workshop on Lobster Biology and Management (ICWL) in Fremantle, Western Australia on 18-23 October 2020.
This lobster workshop returns to where it all began in Western Australia over 40 years ago when a group of 37 lobster biologists from 6 countries met in Perth to discuss and compare their work on lobster ecology, physiology, and management protocols, and to find common themes amongst the different species that were commercially fished. In recent years, participation has risen to roughly 150-200 people from 20 countries!
As well as fascinating scientific presentations from all around the world, an industry day is also planned to be an important component of the program so we are looking forward to strong support from lobster industry participants.
The timing of the workshop is the week following the World Fisheries Congress on 11-15 October 2020 in Adelaide, South Australia which provides an excellent opportunity to attend two world-class events during your visit to Australia if you’re travelling from afar.
Find out more at the website and make sure you join the mailing list to stay up to date. Further content will be added regularly so remember to check in!
Western Rock Lobster (WRL) is the peak industry body representing the interests of the western rock lobster fishery. Formed in 2001, WRL is made up of a Board of 8 Directors, elected by Managed Fishery Licence (MFL) holders.
WRL represents industry on a range of issues including changes to the management system of the western rock lobster fishery; prepares submissions to Government on behalf of the industry; sources funding for industry projects and attends meetings and lobbies Government on behalf of fishers.
WRL also provide advice and information to a number of committees, steering groups and stakeholder organisations within the various sectors of the fishery; assist with safety, training and education programs for fishers; ensure Government processes are equitable, transparent and justifiable; and strive to ensure the catching sector of this valuable industry remains a viable, effective and responsible member of the fishing community.