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Commercial Fishing



MEPs approve new rules for fishing in the Mediterranean area. New measures include rules on measuring catches by recreational fisheries, alternatives to landing points for the European eel, and the use of remotely operated vehicles in red coral areas.

Committee on Fisheries MEPs validated a compromise achieved between Parliament and Council negotiators on 3 May 2023, on the reorganisation of rules for fishing in the General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean (GFCM) Agreement area, which also includes the Black Sea. They approved the deal by unanimity. Parliament’s negotiating team was led by Ladislav Ilčić (ECR, Croatia).

The new text, MEPs say, gives legal clarity, ensures predictability, and establishes common rules for EU fishers working in the area.

Conservation and the European eel

On the conservation of certain species, such as the critically-endangered European eel, it was agreed that EU member states would define landing points for better protection. Nevertheless, alternative measures to these landing points may be put in place by EU countries, if these can lead to an effective fight against illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing.

Scientific advice and recreational fisheries

Underlying the importance of recommendations by the EU’s Scientific Advisory Committee say the EU should take into consideration biological, socio-economic and environmental aspects, MEPs say recreational fishery catches should be measured to get some kind of estimation of their.

Red coral and remotely operated vehicles

In addition, member states should adopt management plans concerning the exploitation of red coral, with recreational fisheries purposes banned from fishing for it.

Currently banned in the Mediterranean Sea, remotely operated vehicles are allowed only within the GFCM research programme. These underwater vehicles are important in collecting data and assessing the status of red corals, and to overcome limits of diving techniques.


The General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean is a regional fisheries organisation, established in 1949 under the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. It aims at ensuring conservation and sustainable marine resources and aquaculture in the Mediterranean and in the Black Sea.

The EU is a contracting party of the GFCM Agreement since 1998 and its recommendations are binding. Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, France, Greece, Italy, Malta, Romania, Slovenia and Spain are also contracting parties.

Next steps

The new rules will have to be confirmed by the Full House in one of the future plenaries, probably in July 2023.

