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MMO playing active role at COP26. During COP26, the Marine Management Organisation (MMO) are highlighting their work that contributes to the global efforts to address the impact of climate change, adapt and build resilience to protect our precious oceans.

The UK’s climate strategy advocates marine planning, nature-based solutions, and sustainable fisheries management to drive towards ‘Good Environmental Status’ for our seas. MMO are applying these principles to the way they manage England’s seas and globally through the Blue Belt programme.

The big topic at COP26 is how the world’s leaders will commit to the agreement made five years ago in Paris to keep global warming to well below 2°C. The impact of allowing just 0.5°C extra rise in temperature is critical – you can see more about this in their explainer and infographic here.

MMO also plays a leading role in ocean protection and management as part of the UK Government’s Blue Belt Programme which helps governments protect and enhance over 4 million square kilometres of marine environment around five UK Overseas Territories. Their Blue Belt programme lead, Jo Stockill, will be virtually joining ‘Nature Day’ on November 6th, also supporting the virtual ocean pavilion with videos of work in UK’s overseas territories and making a short video presentation jointly with Cefas.

The Blue Belt programme has also supported the UK Overseas Territories with planning and materials for their event on Nature Day in the UK Government Pavilion and made a short video (see below) to introduce the role of the Programme in helping to understand and mitigate climate change impacts across the UK Overseas Territories:

Both MMO and Blue Belt videos feature in the virtual ocean pavilion in the UK COP26 Presidency – Ocean Climate Science and Evidence booth. Registration is free with access to live ocean events and on demand content.

For the detail of events going on, here is the official programme: UK-Presidency-Pavilion-at-COP26-Event-Programme.pdf (ukcop26.org) and for ongoing updates, visit the official government COP26 website.
