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Commercial Fishing



Norwegian sandeel fishery begins. With the Norwegian blue whiting fishery now coming to an end, the sandeel fishery begins, reports Norges Sildesalgslag (a Norwegian Fishermen’s Sales Organisation for Pelagic Fish).

Five vessels were in activity when the sandeel fishery started on April 15th. The fishery varied some but were considered good and some vessels had over 300 MT after the first day. The first catches came from the Klondyke area but the fleet, consisting of 12 vessels, have now moved to Inner Shoal.

“So far there’s been ten catches of a total of 8910 MT. The size of the fish is considered good, but the fat percent is low this early in the season,” says Norges Sildesalgslag.

“We’re expecting decent activity in the fishery this week as even more vessels set for the fishing grounds.

Blue Whiting
“The fishery is coming to an end and most of the vessels have caught their quotas. A total of 8.800 MT was reported this week. Eight catches of a total of 8.300 MT was caught by St. Kilda and two catches of barely 500 MT was caught in the North Sea. Sunday there was one vessel left on the grounds.

Horse Mackerel
“We registered a few catches of horse mackerel this week as well, a total of 230 MT. 80 MT of these were caught in the blue whiting fishery in the North Sea. 150 MT has been caught on the west coast of Norway, from the fjords in Ryfylke fo Møre.

“One vessel caught 240 MT of Norway Pout. In addition, there’s been some other species reported a by-catches.”

