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Plymouth PhD researcher begins Parliamentary fellowship. PhD researcher with the University of Plymouth and Plymouth Marine Laboratory begins a three month fellowship with the Parliamentary Office for Science and Technology.

The Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology (POST) is an impartial research and knowledge exchange service based in the UK Parliament. It is one of the longest running legislative science advice mechanisms in the world.

POST plays a crucial role in bringing the latest research evidence into parliament, and ensures that legislators and policymakers can access good, reliable information. POST publishes impartial, peer-reviewed briefings on complex issues and maintains a UK-wide network of academics and experts to support legislative scrutiny and policy development in parliament.

Anneliese Hodge, who is in the 2nd year of her PhD that aims to provide a food-chain analysis of UV filters derived from sunscreens, started at POST this week to research and produce a POSTNote on ‘Barriers to Digital Transformation in Government’.

POSTNotes are impartial and peer-reviewed briefings, which bring cutting-edge scientific research to Parliament. They cover areas such as biology, health, energy, environment, physical and social sciences.

Anneliese Hodge, PhD researcher with the University of Plymouth and Plymouth Marine Laboratory, said:

“It is such an honour to be selected  for a POST Fellowship. I look forward to the challenge of delving into the topic of digital transformation; the subject is most certainly outside my main research area, but it will be a highly valuable experience to apply my research expertise to new subject matter and produce a briefing aimed at parliamentarians and policymakers. I am also keen to learn about the processes and dynamics of Parliament first hand.”

Image: Pixabay

